𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐰𝐨; 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬

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Boxes upon boxes were piled up on top of each other and Felicity looked around and sighed. As she had a month before her tour started she had decided to organise her house. Now Felicity was beginning to regret that decision once she realised how much stuff she had.

Starting with the box closest, Felicity began to rummage through it. It was mainly filled with clothes she hadn't worn in years. Each item of clothing brought back some sort of memory, some memories she smiled at yet others she frowned at. As soon as she forted through the box, decided on what she was keeping and throwing away, she pulled another box towards her.

As Felicity moved onto the next box, her heart immediately dropped when she opened it. Sitting on top of the pile was a photo album and Felicity knew immediately what photos were in it. Taking it carefully out of the box she carefully carried it to her couch and sat down. Opening up the photo album, Felicity smiled. The first photo was a picture of her and Warren Rojas taken not too long after she met him just over ten years ago. As she turned the pages, they were filled with pictures of her and many photos of her old friends.

The last time she had seen Karen was 1980 as she had surprised her at one of her shows. Phone calls happened on occasion but due to their hectic schedules, it was hard to constantly keep in contact. Felicity missed her friend dearly but she was proud of her success and that she had also made a name for herself.

Graham was one person she hadn't seen since the show in Chicago, once he moved back to Pittsburgh, he didn't play music anymore, only on occasion. He did send letters to Felicity when his children were born and from his wedding, which Felicity did get an invite to but she was on tour so she wasn't able to attend. Felicity knew that Graham's two kids were big fans of her music and she had wanted to go and visit but she hadn't had the time between working in the studio and touring. But whenever a new album comes out, Felicity always makes sure to personalise it for Graham's kids and sends it to them.

Felicity had seen Billy a handful of times since the band split, and it wasn't necessarily by choice. Whenever Felicity would visit Camila, Billy wouldn't normally be around, working on whatever he was working on. But on occasion Billy was around, the two remained civil but whatever relationship the two could have had was damaged years ago.

Daisy was someone Felicity would try to see as much as she could. Daisy had been featured on Felicity's album in 1980 and Felicity had been featured on a couple songs of Daisy's. The last time she had seen Daisy in person had been at the beginning of 1982, although phone calls were as frequent as they could be.

Warren was someone Felicity saw a lot of. When she needed a drummer for her songs, he was always the first person she would ask for and he would always prioritise her over everyone else. Working with Warren was still so easy, Felicity would ask something and he would do it while also putting his own spin on it making it a lot better than Felicity originally anticipated. The last time Felicity had seen Warren was only months ago once his twin daughters were born. Felicity was named godmother to both of them which she took in pride.

As Felicity turned the page once more her heart sank. The photos were of her and Eddie Roundtree. Specifically the photos of Christmas day 1974. Camila gave her the photos along with the album shortly after her and Eddie had gotten together.

Felicity's hand ghosted over the photos as she looked at them. All memories of her time with Eddie came flooding back to the forefront of her mind. Since she left him that night in Chicago, Felicity felt freer, like she was on top of the world. Since Eddie she had a few relationships but none of them captured that magic she felt while being with him. She never compared her previous partners to him by any means, they just didn't bring the same thing to the relationship that Felicity needed, that she craved.

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