Chapter ~10

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Warning: Pete‼️


Vegas finally was awake from sleep but looking around, Pete wasn't in sight. His back ached heavily from sleeping in the chair last night. He stretched, making a cracking sound before his feet padded into slippers and started making his way over to the bathroom but stopped when he noticed a note placed on the nightstand. It read;

The clothes I borrowed last time are in the closet. Put them on after having your bath and come downstairs. Don't get any funny ideas.

Vegas' lips twitched into a smile as he put away the note. Did he save a nation in his past life to have Pete write him a note? He kept wondering but did as told.

Vegas leaned against the wall, a little away from Pete, and continued to admire. Pete was invested in the breakfast he was making while having his iPad closer to him and speaking to someone. It was a female voice and as Vegas' ears picked up on it, realization hit him. He knew who it was.

"Violet, can you allow Pete breath for a second?" Vegas scolded the woman as he got closer to Pete.

"That's the first thing you say when you see your mother? Get away from the screen. I'm talking to Pete and not you."

Vegas was unfazed and still stood in position.

"Hey! Did you both sleep together?" Her eyes widened and her hand covered her mouth, suspiciously waiting on the two for an answer. "Why is Vegas there so early?"

Pete immediately answered. "We did not sleep together. He just came in." He said awkwardly not wanting Violet to think something was going on between them.

"Yes, we did," Vegas answered and Pete elbowed him on the side. "But Violet, I had no place on the bed." Vegas laughed at his own words.

"Good job, Pete. You did great." She teased, her gaze fixated on her son.

"I'll leave you both to talk while I finish breakfast," Pete announced and turned away from Mother and Son and went on ahead to fry some sausage.

Vegas got the device away from Pete and had a long conversation with Violet. It felt as if he did not want Pete to find out what they were talking about. After speaking for close to 20 minutes, the duo decided to end their discussion.

"I'll be counting on you, Mother."

"I've got this. If I have any information, I'll let you know right away. I love you both and take care." Violet said her goodbyes.

Vegas exhaled shapely, thinking over the conversation they just had. He was sure Violet could handle it. She was quite persistent and strong so she could take care of this.

"Let me help you." Vegas offered while taking the plates away from Pete.

Pete said not a word and let him do as he wanted. Breakfast was finally served and Vegas couldn't help but ask. "Was I the reason you woke up early to prepare breakfast?" A part of him wanted a positive answer.

Pete looked up from his plate. "Bold of you to assume that, Vegas. I prepared it for myself and since you stayed over, it is fair you had the leftover. I don't want the food to go to waste."

"I get it but are you sure this meal is safe to eat? The taste is not so good. I thought you were a good cook for a second." Vegas let out and for some reason, Pete felt greatly offended.

"You can leave it if it doesn't suit your taste." No one has ever complained about his cooking. "I poisoned it so better not eat it."

Vegas chuckled lightly at the reaction. "You're fun to tease. I don't mind if you poisoned it. I'll still eat it anyways." He shrugged.

𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭[𝐕𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐄]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora