Gu Chenfeng had already packed his things and sat in the living room.

    Seeing her, he immediately stood up, "Will you go out now?"

    Gu Chenfeng still seemed to want to go out with her, but Lin Wei did not.

    With a soft hum, she walked to the gate and let Gu Chenfeng come out.

    Glancing at the lock on the door, Gu Chenfeng asked: "Can I know the digital code?"

    She didn't want to go back to live, and she didn't want to see a new house. He moved to a new house, so he had to move here. Now that he moved in, she might be even angrier. He just needs to know the password, he can come over anytime, and he can stay overnight.

    Lin Wei didn't think about Gu Chenfeng's purpose, and refused mercilessly: "No!"

    She didn't even know the digital password, so how could she tell him?

    Besides, she knew and wouldn't tell him.

    Gu Chenfeng's expression darkened, "I'll call you before I come, and you open the door."

    Lin Wei pretended not to understand what he said, closed the door, and went to ring the doorbell of Chen Baiyu's house.

    Chen Baiyu had just cut up the fruit after dinner and served it to An Xinruo, when he heard the bell, he hurriedly opened the door.

    Lin Wei and Gu Chenfeng stood at the door, and Chen Baiyu smiled a little doggy, "Are you two going to come in and sit?" "

    No!" Lin Wei swept into the room, facing An Xin who was just about to pick up some fruit to eat. Ruo said: "I'm fine, let's go shopping."

    My friend said before that she wanted to go out alone, but now she wants to accompany her. Looking at Gu Chenfeng next to her friend, An Xinruo's doubts were answered. She hurriedly picked up her satchel and walked quickly to her friend, "Let's go, let's go prodigal. The money that was not spent in yesterday's auction will be spent today."

    Lin Wei looked up at Gu Chenfeng, "I If you want to go shopping with Xinruo, you can go back, remember to go back to your parents' house."

    Gu Chenfeng didn't want to go back alone, but Lin Wei wanted to go shopping with An Xinruo, so he had to go back alone.

    The three sat down in the same elevator, An Xinruo looked at her friend and Gu Chenfeng standing in front of her, and felt that she was a shining light bulb, the kind that Gu Chenfeng didn't like.

    After stepping out of the elevator, seeing Gu Chenfeng who was about to say goodbye to his friend, he seemed to be holding his friend reluctantly, An Xinruo was dumbfounded.

    In order to let Gu Chenfeng leave as soon as possible, Lin Wei did not avoid his hug, and even said goodbye to him.

    After getting in the car, An Xinruo, who had been holding back her words, couldn't help it anymore, "Lin Wei, Gu Chenfeng... No, I saw in him just now! Is there something wrong with my eyes?

    " Wei started the car, "Probably."

    She didn't think Gu Chenfeng would be reluctant to part with her!

    The corner of An Xinruo's mouth twitched, "I'm serious, don't be joking."

    When two people are together, there must be one who is more active. In the past, the friend was the one who took the initiative, and Gu Chenfeng was more indifferent. Now, the two of them have completely reversed. Gu Chenfeng has become the one who is active, and the friend is the one who is indifferent. one.

    Witnessing the scene just now, if you think about it with peace of mind, your friend's road to divorce will definitely not be smooth, because Gu Chenfeng doesn't look like he has no feelings for his friend at all.

    Lin Wei glanced at An Xinruo, "What's serious? Think about it, where are you going shopping?"

    "Go to the hospital!"

    An Xinruo still insisted on going to the hospital and brought her friend for a physical examination.

    Lin Wei couldn't hold her back and drove to the best hospital in the area.

    As soon as she entered the hospital, she saw a familiar doctor.

    When the doctor saw her, he wanted to disappear where he was. Thinking that she was Gu Chenfeng's wife, he greeted her bravely, "Long time no see! Is it because you are really sick when you come to the hospital this time?" This doctor is Lin Wei

    . The one who committed suicide by cutting her wrist was also a friend of Gu Chenfeng's, but she forgot her name. "I don't feel uncomfortable, just do an examination."

    Thinking of the many rumors about Lin Wei and Gu Chenfeng recently, knowing that he shouldn't ask, the doctor still asked: "Did you have any trouble with Chenfeng?"

    Seeing his defensive eyes, Lin Wei felt that he was worried that she would stay in the hospital, "Don't worry, I didn't make trouble! I won't be hospitalized this time, so I won't cause you any trouble!" "Oh,

    that's good!" The doctor nodded, feeling that something was wrong , "Why don't you let Chen Feng come with you when you come for the examination?"
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