Chapter 9 ~ Slughorns party

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"I'm sure you will be amazing. You are really good." I said. 

"Thanks, you've never seen me play though so how do you know how good I am?"

"Seeker's instinct." I replied "And you must be good if Potter let you onto his team. He takes his quidditch very seriously."

"Talking about James, he's over there. That's wired I don't remember him being a member of the Slug Club, he must be someones date. Wait he's talking to Lily, and they haven't argued! Something wired is going on here." She said storming over to them. 

"Oi, Regulus." Evan Rosier called over to me. I took a deep breath, put on my 'perfect pureblood heir' mask on and swaggered over.

"What is it Rosier?" I asked coolly.

"What were you doing over there with a mudblood?" he asked.

"Oh that!" I said "Sluggy just wanted me and her to talk with a quidditch player, you know how she is one of his favourites. I think he wants me to be friends with her, can you imagine! But if I want to make it onto the shelf I guess I will have to play along, you know how it is. I will probably have to get back to her now, or he will get suspicious." I said. I know it's bad but I can't let Rose ruin my reputation amongst the Slytherins, I feel like I have only just been accepted. And what would my parents think if they found out I was friends with a muggle born? No I would have to just keep it on the down low. They can NEVER know.

Rose POV:

I stalked over to where Lily and James were.

"What is this?" I asked in disbelief "Are Lily Evans and James Potter actually getting on?!"

"Ha ha very funny." said Lily "I asked James to come with me, as friends, because my usual friends that I normally bring to these things, otherwise known as Remus, Alice or Mary, are all strangely unavailable tonight. "

"Nice to know I'm a last resort." James teased although I could tell that he was slightly offended.

"Well I guess I spoke to soon. Hey Lily do you mind grabbing us some drinks? I need to talk quidditch with James and I know you will hate it." 

"Sure." she said rolling her eyes as she left.

"Help me Rosemary!" James whisper-screamed "I don't know what I am doing!"

"Don't worry, you seem like you are doing fine. Just relax and be a gentleman but also be yourself but not too much of yourself, like don't start jinxing Snivilus, however annoying he is being."

"Right. Be myself but also don't?"

"You've got it! Anyways, the quidditch thing wasn't just an excuse, you know Robert Wood, over there, the keeper of Puddlemore United?"

"Yeah, one of my biggest quidditch heroes, why?"

"He's going to be watching the game on Saturday."

"WHAT?! We need more practices. We aren't ready. What am I going to DO?!" 

"Calm down Prongs, we will be fine. We just need to make sure that you don't get injured before Remus' time of the month."

"I know, I know. It's just this is big for me!"

Lily returned.

"What's big for you?"

"A big quidditch player is watching our next match."

"Wow, that's great you guys!" said Lily amazed.

Just then Regulus came over.

"Hi Regulus, hows it going?" Said James in a conserned voice. I didn't realise that they were close, well I guess he is Sirius' brother.

"As good as it can be I guess" replied Regulus. We talked to them for a bit and then Regulus announced "I'm going to head off now, I'm quite tired. But you can stay if you want, Rose." he added as he saw her gathering her stuff together.

"No its fine, I'm tired as well and this is a bit boring anyway." said Rose. We said goodbye to Lily and James and made our way out of the office to the entrance hall.

On the way we talked about anything and everything. She found out what my family was like and I found out she had another sister who hated magic. We talked about deep stuff but also joked and had a good time. We both felt more comfortable around each other than we did on the way there. Soon we found ourselves outside the Gryffindor common room. 

"Thank you for an amazing night Reg." She said.

"Trust me, the pleasure was all mine." I said bowing jokingly. She took a step closer. Was this happening?! My mind had gone blank.

"You really are an amazing person Regulus." She said. Then she kissed me. I was shocked for a few seconds and then started to kiss back, my heart pounding in my chest. It wasn't just me, she liked me too. I never thought this would happen. Then we pulled away. Chests heaving. 

"Bye, then I guess." She said blushing furiously. I raised a hand in farewell, not able to say anything. Then she retreated into the Gryffindor common room.

So this is love, I thought to myself. I transformed into my animagus, a black cat, (which I used to hide from my parents at home) and head towards the lake where I hoped the big black dog, that was sometimes there, would be. 

A/N: quite a long chapter today, but I hope you liked it. I had a bit of trouble writing it because at the start I had a little bit of writers block I was also really tired so I didn't get started on this for a while. I was thinking of making this a slow burn, but I'm to impatient to do that so, your welcome? Feel free to spam the comment section I would love to hear what you think and if you have any ideas. Have a nice day (or good night) :)

Stepping Out of the Shadows (Regulus Black x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora