Insane Bri

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"What do you suppose is really living in those old ruins?" Angel said, dangling off the low stone wall upside down, her gaze turned toward the hill. 

"I dunno," Ryan replied. "Vampires?" He hissed and held out his hands like claws, causing Brianna to laugh. 

"Or maybe it's really home to the fallen gods," She pitched in, muttering dreamily. "Watching over us to make sure we stay safe." 

"Only you would think that, Bri. You and all the other insane people." Angel laughs as Brianna throws a small rock at her. But Brianna is laughing, too, ruining the effect. And Ryan is laughing with them, starting to sing: 

Insane Bri
Does everything insanely
You could call her crazy
It's more than a maybe
Insane Bri
Yelling at everybody
Insane Bri
Wants to kiss me

He yelps as a pebble hits his cheek. Brinna is blushing intensely and laughing. 

"No! That was so long ago, Ryan!" But she is laughing with Angel who has fallen off the short stone wall and Ryan who is beginning to have a small red spot on his cheek.

 "A year is not that long!" Angel teases. 

"Exactly. 'Tis not that long, my fair maiden, Brianna." Ryan laughs. Brianna groans and laughs more as Ryan launches into another verse of "Insane Bri." 

Insane Bri
Loves me like crazy
A lovesick girl she will always be
It's more than a maybe
Insane Bri
Throws things at anybody
 Insane Bri
Wants to kiss me

Laughter again from all three at the end of the verse, and Angel joins in.

Insane Bri
Insane Bri
She loves me
Insane Bri 

And even Brianna is singing it now with Ryan and Angel, laughing. 

Insane Bri
Will always love me
Oh, Insane Bri
Is so crazy
That's why she's called
Insane Bri 

And all three hold the last note as they collapse, laughing about Insane Bri.

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