Trouble Begins

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Space No POV

The ship Mercedes of Vespa with said princess, Dot Matrix and her sister Lena all inside. Vespa was driving as Dot Matrix was in the passenger seat, Lena stacked the matched luggage on one side just so she could sit comfortably. She was good at Tetris so she found a way to stack it neatly so it doesn't falls over.

Dot: can we talk? Okay. We all know Prince Valium is a pill.

Lena: try the whole bottle of sleeping pills.

Dot: regardless, you could've married him for your father's sake and then had a headache for the next 25 years. Will you turn that thing off?

Vespa turned to Dot as her side hair buns were actually headphones as she was listening to music.

Vespa: what is it?

Dot: I was saying, do you realize what you've done?

Vespa: yes! And I'm glad. Glad. Glad. Glad. Glad. Glad. <puts her headphones back on>

Dot: I wonder if she's glad.

Lena: trust me, she is.

SpaceBall City

Literally every building was a ball and the capital building was the biggest ball with U.S. Congress building tip on top of it. President Skroob was in his Oval Office talking to someone on the phone.

Skroob: don't be ridiculous. As President of Planet SpaceBall, I can assure both you and your viewers that there's absolutely no air shortage whatsoever. Yes, of course. I've heard the same rumor myself. Yes, thanks for calling and not reversing the charges. Yes, bye. <hangs up> shithead.

Skroob opens a drawer with various cans as he takes one out and cracks it open. Instead of drinking it, he starts sniffing the contents were actually Perri-Air, Natural Sparkling, Salt-Free Air and it was canned in Druidia. He kept inhaling the air before his right side TV turned on and he threw away the can. In the screen was a red head lady with a military uniform.

Zircon:<screen> President Skroob.

Skroob: yes?

Zircon:<screen> this is Central Control. SpaceBall Commanderette Zircon speaking, sir.

Skroob: yes, what is it, Commanderette?

Zircon:<screen> Lord Helmet and Admiral Sandurz have just notified us that Princesses Vespa and Lena are on sight and SpaceBall One is closing in on them.

Skroob: good.

Zircon:<screen> we have both ships coming up on the teledar, sir, if you wish to observe.

Skroob: I'll be down immediately.

Zircon:<screen> should I have Snotty beam you down, sir?

Skroob: I don't know about that beaming stuff. Is it safe?

Zircon:<screen> oh, yes, sir. Admiral Sandurz beamed me twice last night and the night before. It was wonderful.

Skroob: all right. I'll take a shot at it. What the hell, it works on Star Trek.

Skroob got onto the platform device that will beam him to Central Control.

Zircon:<screen> Snotty, beam him down.

Snotty:<offscreen> yes, sir. Immediately, sir.

Skroob was beamed down but there was a tiny detail. His head and hands were backwards while the rest of his body was forward.

Snotty: great beasties! What's happened to his head?

Zircon: it's on backwards!

Skroob: this is terrible! Do something!

SpaceBalls: DeadMC66 EditionWhere stories live. Discover now