At that time, they almost all thought that Lin Wei was Gu Chenfeng's true love.

    Four years later, they couldn't tell if it was true love, but they found that Gu Chenfeng had a very high tolerance for Lin Wei.

    Basically, wherever there is Gu Chenfeng, no matter it is working time or private time, there is Lin Wei. Wherever Gu Chenfeng went, Lin Wei followed him, he didn't have any temper at all, he just followed her and made her be a stickler.

    Also, in the past two years, Lin Wei has made all the women who dare to get close to Gu Chenfeng cry like father and mother, and those who have coveted Gu Chenfeng, and some don't, as long as Lin Wei thinks they are Some, posing a threat to her, did not escape the fate of being punished by her.

    Bai Mingzhu, who Lin Wei thought was the number one enemy, was even worse. Everyone else was punished by herself, and her family property was taken away. This time, it even alarmed the old man Bai who had been bedridden for many years to go out and find Gu Chenfeng. go.

    They can believe the rumors that Lin Wei and Gu Chenfeng are getting divorced, but they don't believe that Gu Chenfeng wants to separate from Lin Wei because of Bai Mingzhu. It's not the first time that Lin Wei has targeted the Bai family. Gu Chenfeng has never divorced Lin Wei because of this incident before. Besides, Gu Chenfeng has no interest in talking to Bai Mingzhu.

    They didn't have the guts to ask Gu Chenfeng about the divorce, and when they heard that someone asked without fear of death, the lively atmosphere in the box immediately quieted down.

    Gu Chenfeng heard the word divorce harshly, and glanced away coldly, "Can't tell the difference between rumors?"

    Alcohol got on his mind, and he was a little dazed. After waking up for most of the time, his face immediately turned pale with fright, and he sat in a well-behaved manner, daring not to say anything.

    The situation was embarrassing, Zhang Fan had to smooth things over, "He's an idiot, he's been drinking too much, talking nonsense! Chenfeng, don't be as knowledgeable as him. We all know that you and your sister-in-law are very good and in love, how can you get divorced!

    " Wei's posture doesn't look like someone who will divorce Gu Chenfeng.

    And if Gu Chenfeng wanted to leave Lin Wei, he would have left long ago, there is no need to wait until now.

    In recent days, Gu Chenfeng's heart has been like a cloudy sky, covered with dark clouds. Now, a storm is coming, and his eyes glanced coldly at everyone present, "I don't care what rumors say that Lin Wei and I are going to divorce. , in front of me, don't mention this to me."

    Although Lin Wei has a bad temper, always loves to fight with him, and insists on separating this time, but from the day he married Lin Wei, he never thought of getting married. divorce.

    The unhurried words carried a bit of chill.

    Everyone panicked when they heard this, and they all blamed the culprit who asked Gu Chenfeng if he was getting a divorce just now.

    It was a good party, but it was disturbed by such a disturbance, and it couldn't go on.

    Everyone tacitly found different excuses and wanted to go back.

    Back at the still deserted home, Gu Chenfeng held his mobile phone, looking at WeChat and call records over and over again.

    On the chat page with Lin Wei, the last message she sent to him before she committed suicide and was hospitalized was still there. The call log showed that the last time Lin Wei called him was the day they went back to his parents for dinner.

    There was no new WeChat message in the chat box, and the latest call log was not from her. The more he looked at it, the more Gu Chenfeng's heart sank, and he threw the phone on the table irritably.

    After two o'clock in the middle of the night, Gu Chenfeng, who was sleeping alone, couldn't sleep alone, so he got up from the bed.

    Turning on the desk lamp, scanning to the mobile phone on the table, he no longer restrained himself from contacting her reason, and dialed her number.

    At this time, Lin Wei had already met Zhou Gong, and she habitually turned off the phone before going to bed.

    The sweet and mechanical voice reminded Lin Wei that the phone was turned off, and Gu Chenfeng pursed his lips tightly.

    Usually, in the cold war, Lin Wei couldn't hold on for a week, and would come to sue him for peace. This time, she had exceeded her limit many times, so much so that his patience was exhausted.

    Exiting the address book, he opened WeChat, found the chat box with Lin Wei, and typed "When are you coming back?" When he clicked send, he didn't hesitate at all, and he didn't remember that he said it before Lin Wei moved out. What words.

    However, after the message was sent, a red exclamation point appeared on the screen, noting that he was not her friend.

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