Chapter 16: Big girl panties.

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Iyana's POV

I arrive at the hotel that I'll be designing and ideas start popping in my mind the minute i enter. I have to do my best and hide the fact that I'm a quarter and half away to having a mental breakdown about what happened in the office prior to me coming here.

I find the owner of the hotel at the door and we greet each other. "It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Dlamini." she says. "The pleasure is all mine Ms. Xundu and please call me Iyana Ms is my unmarried aunt." I say and we chuckle. She leads me to her office and we get in and sit down. "Would you like anything to drink?" "Water will be fine."

She gives me a water bottle and i thank her. "I've seen your work online and you know word on the street is that you one of the best so I had to choose you." she says and i blush a little. Hearing a person compliment my work in this manner makes my heart melt. "Thank you. The honour is mine to be designing this hotel. The minute I arrived the ideas started popping in my head. This hotel has a lot of potential." I say and she smiles.

"So what kind of design would you like for this hotel?" I ask. "I want the hotel to be modern yet rustic so it can have that nice homey feeling to it. I want it to give the person a sense of belonging when they here and i want the tourists that might visit to be wowed by the place. It should also have a bit of the South African culture here and there." she answers.

"Okay I get what you saying and i love the direction you going at. Since you want to add a bit of the South African culture maybe we can find objects that represent our cultures and we can get some paintings from local artists. With the rustic feeling perhaps we can add some wooden furniture pieces here and there and the modern of course we will go with white and brown just to match the wooden elements. Then there will be pops of colour from the furniture we will add." I say.

"I'm liking that plan we can work with that. Do you know any local artist's paintings we can use?" she asks. "I know of a few people that are really good and let me show you the work they have done for me." I say. "Okay then that's fine." I take out my phone and show her the work of these amazing artists that I know and she's in awe.

"Wow their work is beautiful i can't wait to see the finished product. I'm leaving the whole interior in your hands and the exterior I will hire a landscape artist to focus on the it." she says and i nod. "I would like to talk to the landscape artist because I would like the exterior to match the interior I wouldn't want it to look too different." I say.

"Whatever you want to do its fine." she says. "Okay then. I can't wait to start with the design of the hotel and I'll show you the ideas that I have for this hotel and we will have another meeting where i show you my plan." I say. "No problem. I will see you in a couple of months time when the construction phase is done." I nod. "Let me get going." "I'll walk you out." We stand up and she walks me out.

"I can't wait to see the finished product of the hotel." she says. "Me too." She gives me a brief hug and i call an uber to take me back to the office. If I had my car I would be saving money but there is no point complaining cause we passed that phase. The uber arrives after twenty minutes and i get inside and he drives off. I pay the driver the money and go inside my office.

I sigh the minute I enter my office. Memories of what happened earlier make their way into my mind and i try shutting them off but it's not working...deep breath in, out...take your time and don't rush we don't need a panic attack. Seeing him brings back memories that i try so hard burying.

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