Forehead to Forehead

Beginne am Anfang

As I stare into the abyss below the cliff, an overwhelming feeling of joy blossoms in my chest. Like a warm embrace in a cold night. Like invisible arms had wrapped around my whole body, slowly, gently pulling me away from the safety of the ground.

It starts off as a speck of warmth before quickly engulfing my chest and, shortly after, my entire being. It was like I wanted to jump, like I knew it was safe to jump despite the fear I felt because of the unknown.

"You're an idiot." someone says from behind me.That voice, that one I'd recognize anywhere.

"Don't listen to her." another voice, one I was very familiar with, adds and I snap my attention to where the two people were.

There, side by side, was Wila and... me?

"What if she's right?" I ask, motioning to Wila who had on an annoyed expression; seeing nothing odd about talking to myself.

The girl that looks and sounds exactly like me simply shrugged, "If you want something you'll never have... you'll have to do something you've never done." The version of me says before leaping forward and pushing me off the chasm. I felt like I was flying as my feet left solid ground, like the world had gone into slow motion as I was pushed off the cliff.

After a moment, the blissful feeling I had gotten from soaring across a short distance of sky disappeared and I plummeted down to earth. Fear exploded in my chest and I could hear myself screaming. My chest burned and it felt like I had been stabbed but I kept falling. On the cliff, I could see flashes of Wila and Batchi trying to stop me but it was no use. I fell without anything there that could stop me.

"Miss Guevarra? Hello? Are you okay?" The voice echoed in my head as I feel and when I could make out the ground approaching rapidly, I screamed.

"Miss? Wake up! Are you okay?!"

My body jerks and my eyes fly open at the same moment before my head collides with something hard. The impact snapped my head backwards and caused the back of my head to hit the edge of seat's back support.


"Ah sh-!"

The wall and I yelp at the same time and for a second my vision simply spins, rendering me unable to recognize what or who I had attacked with my forehead. "Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!" I apologized as soon as my tongue could work, thinking I may have hit Sam or the guard.

"Ooww." A female voice says with a harsh hiss, "what happened to not traumatizing your students on the first day? I'm pretty sure Sam thinks you just attacked me."

Hearing that oddly familiar voice felt like being doused with ice cold water.


No way.

I didn't just-

I raise my head quickly and come face to face with Jade Tanchingco. Jade Tanchingco with an deepening red mark on her forehead.

I just headbutted an heiress to a multi-million peso company. was the first thing in my head as soon as the spinning stopped.

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