Chapter 1

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Hi Guys! I hope you'll like my story. This is my first one!

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And sorry for the wrong gramming! I'm not really good in English. Hope you'll understand.

Kristen's POV

My alarm clock started blaring What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction, which caused me to jump out of the bed and throw it around the room.When I got up, my head started to hurt. "Damn hangovers!" I muttered to myself. I quickly grab an advil from my bedside table and ran downstairs to get some water. Once I reached the kitchen, I was greeted by our maid, Charlie. "Good morning love!" she said smiling at me. "Morning Charles," I said weakly as I grab some water from the fridge. I drank my medicine and put the empty glass in the sink and sat in the middle of the counter. "You hungry?" she asks, "Yeah" I say. "Here you go babe." she said putting a plate of pancakes in front of me. "Thanks, you know me very well Charles." I say. "I know love!" she replied, smiling. She already knew that pancakes are my favourite breakfast in the whole damn world, so why bother ask me? Ten minutes later, I am done eating. I ran upstairs to go shower. I got inside the bathroom and turning on the shower. Feeling the warm water that fell into my body. After that, I walked out of the bathroom with nothing but my pink towel wrapped around my wet naked body. I dried my red hair and walked towards the closet. I took out a sleeveless baby pink crop top and blue denim short shorts. Once I was done, I applied some eyeliner, mascara, blush on and lip gloss. I then tied my hair in a neat bun. I was finished tying my hair. I grabbed my iPhone 5 from the bedside table and ran downstairs.

I sat down on the red couch, thinking about what am I going to do today. I stayed sitting on the couch and thinking for like ten minutes. After ten minutes of sitting and thinking, I've decided to text Kelly and ask her to go shopping with me.

To: Kelly

Hey Kels! I'm so fucking bored; can we go shopping? J

I've waited for like two minutes before she replied.

From: Kelly

Yeah sure! That'd be fun! I'm going to tell Harvey and Jane so that it will be more awesome!

To: Kelly

Okay, I'll pick all of you up in 10 minutes! Xx

I walked out of the house and to the garage. I hopped into the car and started up the engine. Kelly's house is really not far away from mine. So in just two minutes, I was already in front of her house. I killed the car's engine and hopped out of the car. I ran towards her door ang rang the doorbell, she quickly opened the door and smiled, "Hey Kels, ready to go?" I asked smiling. "Oh yeah!" she said excitedly and ran towards my car. I couldn't do anything but laugh at her actions. She opened the passenger's seat and hopped in as I started the car engine. "Should we pick Harvey and Jane or go straight to the mall?" I asked, "Nope, they're already at the mall, waiting for us." she said happily. I noticed that she was really happy this morning. Maybe she has a boyfriend? or Maybe- I was cut off by my thoughts because of Kelly's loud laugh. "Why are you laughing?" I asked with raised eyebrows. "I just got a text from my crush!" she said happily. "What's so funny about that?" I asked. "He asked me out and then... I felt a lot of butterflies appear in my tummy!" she said smiling. "Oooh," is the only word the got out of my mouth.

Finally, we've reached the mall. Once we got out of the car, we were bombarded by a lot of paparazzi's, blinding us with their big fancy cameras and asking a lot of questions.

"Kristen! Is it true that you and Calvin Steward broke up?!"

"Kristen, Is it true that you and your manager are dating?!"

I grabbed Kelly's hand, squeezing it tightly while the both of us pushed towards the fucking paparazzi's. We quickly walked towards Starbucks where Harvey and Jane are sitting while waiting for us. When Harvey and Jane saw us coming, they attacked me into a big and tight hug. "Uhm.. G-Guys? I-I can't breath." I said in a happy tone. They pulled away and we started walking to Forever 21. "Kristen, We've missed you a lot. And you've changed lot too! Your getting more beautiful!" Harvey said happily. "Thanks Harv! I really missed the three of you!" I said smiling widely.

(A/N: I'm not gonna tell you what happened to their shopping at Forever 21. I'm too lazy.) Hope you'll understand! Love lots!

Kristen's POV

We were done shopping. I heard my stomach growl, signalling that I am hungry. We were still at Forever 21 waiting for Kelly and Harvey to pay for the clothes they bought. "I'm hungry" I say, "Yeah, me too" Jane said. "I'm going to tell Harvey and Kelly that we're going to grab some lunch and meet us at McDonalds." I told Jane, which she nodded. I was walking towards my friends while someone grabbed my wrist. I saw a little girl like she's in the age of seven. "Hey sweetie, what's your name?" I asked the little girl smiling. "I'm Sawah, I'm you'we big fan. Can I have a pictuwe wif you?" she asked. "Sure baby," I said, grabbing her camera and took a selfie with me. "Thank you Kwisten!" she gninned widely, "Welcome love!" I said, kissing her cheek. She walked away running towards her Mom, showing her picture with me at the camera.

I continued to walk to where my friends are. Finally, I reached them. "Girls, Jane and I are going to McDonalds, we're gonna go grab some lunch. When you guys are done, we'll meet there." I said. "Okay" they both said in unison. I walked back where Jane is standing with our shopping bags. "C'mon, Let's go!" I cheered before helping Jane carry all our shopping bags.

We got inside McDonalds. I looked around to find a seat, and some of the people recognized me, some of them got out from their seats and asked me for autograph and pictures. Luckily, Jane found a seat for four, and it's in the middle of the court. "What do you want to eat?" I asked Jane. "Burger, fries and a sprite" she replied with a groggy tone. "Alright," I say. Once I got in front of the line, I was greeted by a pretty girl with a dirty blonde hair with brown eyes. She didn't look at me straight, so I guess she didn't notice me. After she's done arranging the money.She looked up at me and her eyes widened. She was totally shocked, her lips formed an 'o' shape. I smiled at her, "Hi, there" I said. "Oh my God! A-Are you Kristen Parker?" she asks, "Uh.. yeah" I answered, grinning. "Oh my! W-what can have you for today?" she asked smiling, showing her white teeth. "I'd like to have.. a burger, two medium sized fries, two sprites and a big mac." I ordered as I paid her. "Okay, You'll food will be served in just seven minutes." She said. I walked to our table where Jane is sitting with our shopping bags in her side. I sat across her, "So where's your next tour coming?" she asks. "Two months from now I guess." I answered. She was about to speak but she was interrupted by the waiter who gave us our orders. He placed the tray with our food in it on the table. We thanked the waiter before he walked away and started to eat our lunch.

Hi! Im going to skip this part. SORRY Im too lazy to continue.. hope you'll understand..

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Love youuuu!

Loved You First (Harry Styles Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz