Dare #30

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*Kat teleports in*

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*Kat teleports in*

Kat: "Hey girls."

Melody: "Hey Kat."

Baylee: "You got something for us?"

Kat: "Yep. It's a dare for Melody."

Melody: "Ooo! A dare for me?!"

Kat: "Yep. You've been dared to go and meet Sundrop and Moondrop, more commonly called Sun and Moon."

Melody: "Is it because I'm a moon?"

*Kat shrugs*

Baylee: "Aww... Well, you might have fun there, Mel."

Kat: "Who said she's going alone?"

Melody and Baylee: "What?"

Kat: "You can go with her Baylee. I don't mind."

Baylee: "Oh... but I would have to ask Sam if it's alright..."

Kat: "Well Margret already knows Melody's leaving, but I can go ask him for you and... Oh never mind, there he is. Hey Sammy, can you come here real quick?"

*Sammy walks over*

Sammy: "You need some-"

Baylee: "Sammy can I pretty please go with Melody for her dare?! Pretty please??"

Sammy: "Baylee, you know it's rude to interrupt someone. Now Kat, what is she going on about?"

Kat: "Melody is going to see a couple of people and Baylee wants to know if she can go to accompany her."

*Sammy thought for a few minutes*

Sammy: "As long as you are respectful and behave where ever you two go, I guess it's fine."

Baylee: "YAY!! Thanks, Sam!"

Sammy: "Don't mention it, Lees. Now I think you better go with Kat."

Melody: "Baylee, come on!"

*Melody grabs Baylee's arm and leads her into the portal*

Kat: "Don't worry, I'll make sure they're back safely."

Sammy: "Alright. Thanks, Kat."

*Kat walks through the portal and meets up with the girls in the void*

Kat: "Ok, so when you get there, you'll go down a slide into a ball pit. He will meet you at the bottom. Hopefully,  Moon with be um- Busy."

Melody: "Why do you say that?"

Kat: "Let's just say... Sun is better with children..."

Baylee: "Do they have a lot of rules...?"

Kat: "Well, He would expect you two to be kind to each other. Other than that, only 1."

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