3: Water is good luck

Start from the beginning

"Satoru-sama." you bowed after a moment, having no idea what to say in this moment.

"No need for formalities," he laughed as he stepped closer to you, "sorry old man, but I am to be the one to show my fiancé to her new room...and maybe break it in a little bit." He winked at the disapproving man and Jun's jaw dropped as the tall man swept you away in a rush down the hallway adjacent to the foyer.


"S-Satoru!" you yelped in his arms, him only laughing as he slid open a door to show you his bedchambers. You gasped, standing and staring at the grandiose room before you, and hearing a tempting laugh behind you.

"All yours, tomorrow," Gojo said, leaning down and speaking low into your ear, "what do you say we get to know each other a little bit before the wedding?" You turned to meet his gleaming eyes and tried to fight back a smile.

"However do you mean?"

"Ah, so nervous," Gojo teased as he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the bed. It was large and looked incredibly soft as he sat down on top of it. He sat you down on his lap, back to his chest as his arms hugged you from behind. "You're real pretty, you know?" he murmured, and you could feel the tension in between your legs at his voice. It was hard to reply to him, especially since you had never been this close to a man this way before. "What, cat got your tongue?" Gojo chuckled.

You turned your head to look at his content features, chin hooked over your shoulder with a lazy smile. "Satoru-sama, I've never...done anything like that."

"Oh, how adorable you are," he said, making you more scared than you already were. "I know you are likely worried about this whole thing, but there's nothing to worry about. I am a nice man, am I not?"

"You seem like a troublemaker, Satoru-sama," you chuckled, and he gasped, "my only wish before arriving was that you would be kinder to me than the men in my own family."

Only wish? I can oblige.

"I'll be nice. But here, tomorrow, I'll be even nicer," you gasped at his words, and you knew that no matter if you would be in the mood or not, there was no possibility that you could refuse him. "You need to trust me."

He can see my nerves?

"Gojo-sensei! Open up!" a voice called outside his door, and you gasped as it opened without question. Itadori Yuji looked absolutely unfazed at seeing you sitting on top of his Lord's lap, flushed with embarrassment. "I have to show Zen'in-san to her temporary room. Master Gojo's orders."

"Fine," he sighed as he stood up and brought you under his arm once again, "when you are set up, meet me in the gardens on the north side of the estate. Itadori-kun will show you, deal?" The way your eyes turned up to his, he knew he was in for it. You were cute, the smile you wore only adding to the effect and Satoru was glad he wasn't marrying that witch who called herself Noritoshi's sister from the Kamo house.

"We will find you." you told him with a slight bow, before Yuji was waving you towards him...apparently manners didn't exist in this estate. Gojo was smiling as he watched you leave, and the smile fell once you did. He knew his intentions with you, and that did not include worshipping you or pampering you with anything you might want.

You were here to have his children, and that was the only use you had for him.

Although, to say he was curious to see how you looked underneath him would be an extreme understatement. Satoru was excited, ready to have your purity gone, moaning and screaming for him until you were begging him to stop.

Now that, he could handle.

"Itadori-kun," you called from behind him, "you all do not act as formal as my family does. I feel out of place."

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