Special: Luffy's Birthday 2

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Robin just make him smile already. Please. His bad attitude because of insomnia is killing you.

You smiled. "You're so happy we might get suspended?" You laughed. "Law is actually going to kill me."

Sabo lightly punched Ace in the back. "We can't let Y/N get expelled! Getting expelled is not our goal here!"

"Well I want to have fun too!" Ace whined.

Zoro was found asleep on your bed, face in your blankets.

You shrugged. "Life."

So you and your friends kept talking about what they would do today....


Ding dong ding dong....ding dong ding dong!!

It was 9:00 A.M, the start of school. You and Nami walked up talking about ahem someone's birthday. It was probably more important than he expected it to be. Apparently Nami was in it too. You and Tashigi do still talk but she always leaves first, shamefully regretting her choice (telling a lot of people you and zoro were dating.)

First period was science with Caesar and Gladius. Gladius wasn't even supposed to be here, he was a subsitute teacher but you were 99% sure Doffy sent him to keep an eye on you and Sabo who was also in.

But the birthday boy's eyes kept gleaming about what we were learning about today, which was experimenting with explosions.

Sabo actually seemed pretty content with the topic.

You're not trying to create a bomb, are you? You looked at Sabo suspiciously.

Explosions weren't your top thing but you were just glad Luffy looked cheerful.

"I think Luffy's actually listening," Sabo said in horror.

"Maybe birthdays are the secret to his brain," you said contemplating the idea.

"Chances are low he has one," Sabo deadpanned.

"You're giving me a Hawkins vibe right now you know?" you snickered.

"I'm not that future freak," Sabo huffed. "You know. That reminds me of how many people are carrying mini water guns around in their bags," He added sincerely.

"You got other people in it too?"

"Of course! No way we wouldn't. Apparently Hancock's whole girl gang are armed with stuff too," Sabo sighed.

"What?! That's crazy obvious she likes Luffy then!" You exclaimed.

"No way they're gonna aim for me, or Ace, or Luffy's friends, they're gonna aim what they think are potential girlfriends for him," Sabo provided. "Watch out."

You shook your head. "I don't even want a boyfriend...I'm so doomed. You know how many girls are in her idol group?' You explained breathlessly.

You jumped, startled at a sudden explosion Luffy was hilariously laughing at.


By now, the half of the cafeteria had water guns in their bags just for Straw Hat's birthday, and he didn't have a single clue they did. So one by one, Marco, Ace, Sabo, you, Zoro, Nami, even Kid and Killer, Law, Robin, Koala, and even a lot more were loading their guns to splash mode. But whatever it was, Luffy would still be happy.

"3!" You called.

"2!" Sabo yelled.

"1!" Ace shouted.

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