Just Drinking a Smoothie... And Searching Your Bag

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Videotaping with my phone, I opened Junhyung's and pawed through his things

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Videotaping with my phone, I opened Junhyung's and pawed through his things.  A laptop, his water bottle, pill bottles... and that's when I saw it.  An odd bulge poked through the lining of his bag.  It was hard and shaped like an L.

I fumbled around for a hidden zipper, but there was none.  Instead, the fabric was simply slit open.  Inside was a smooth metal object that chilled me to the bone.


I pulled out a shiny, semi-automatic pistol by the muzzle.

The video caught my horrified gasp.  I dropped the gun like it was hot and carefully reached into the secret pocket again.  This time, I found a syringe that I narrowly avoided stabbing myself with.  I shuddered thinking about what might be in it.  Another reach produced a small amount of wiring and a couple batteries.

There wasn't anything else, so I stopped the video and hastily put back Junhyung's bag feeling both triumphant and so disappointed.

One one hand, I'd just found our culprit and all of this stupid mafia madness could end.  On the other hand, I'd just lost a hard worker and all my trust.  Part of me had thought that it wasn't possible for one of my staff to betray me, but I held the hard evidence in the palm of my hand.  I'd known Junhyung for almost a year now; I'd even promised to go to his probably fake dance team's competition.

The more I thought, the more angry I got, so I stood up and pushed open the staffroom door to leave.


I jumped as I came face-to-face with JiU, the prop manager I'd hired slightly over half a year ago.  "JiU!  What are you doing here?"

"More like what are you doing here?" JiU replied, looking a little suspicious.  Her eyes scanned the staffroom behind me.

"Just getting Haechan's blue filters."  I tried my hardest to sound nonchalant and JiU seemed to buy it.

She gave me a sunny smile.  "I just came to get my spare roll of tape.  Don't mind me."

I nodded.  "Have a good day," I said, and left as fast as I possibly could.


Haechan met me at the sidewalk where Mark was parked.  "You look... horrible."

I, in fact, felt horrible.  "I can't believe that-"

"Not out here," Haechan interrupted, with a furtive look around the sparse city street.

Though people seemed to be minding their own business, I'd learned by now that appearances could be very deceiving.  "Let's go then."


The Dragons were getting used to seeing me in casual clothes.  They even picked fun at my Blackpink shirt for being so unnecessarily expensive.  I retaliated by pointing out that Chenle was wearing a $32 NCT Dream shirt that clearly wasn't worth all of those $32 (though the Blackpink shirt had been slightly overpriced too).

Til Death Do Us Part / LEE TAEYONG ✓Where stories live. Discover now