Start up Events In Every "Other World" Story - Part 2

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Hikaru saw flickers of light as she faded in and out of consciousness. She also felt jolts of pain periodically, ranging from a tickle to the most pain she was sure she'd ever been in.
Sometimes it felt like a severe burn localized to one part of an arm. Other times, both arms felt like they were literally on fire.

It was sometime after the last, intense, jolt of pain. Exactly how long that was, Hikaru didn't know.
She felt like she was underwater struggling to get to the surface.  A feeling she knew well when her mind would want to wake up but her body didn't agree.

Voices faded in and out.


Hikaru woke with a start. It was dark. A few lights in the corners of the room glowed faintly. Then she heard the noise that had jolted her awake in the first place.

Raiko was snoring from the bed across the way. Hikaru pushed herself up into a sitting position. Her arms protested. They felt like they were made of jello and on fire and it took a couple tries but she finally manage it.

She flexed her hands. Despite the pain, she seemed to have full mobility.
"Barely a few hours into a new world and I nearly die." She grumbled.

Hikaru felt restless. She wasn't sure how long she'd been out, but she wasn't tired in the least and it was obvious most anyone around was asleep.

She opened the message tab and sent a message to her Angel.

Hikaru- "Hey. Don't know if you sleep or not. And if you do sorry to disturb you...
I don't know if you're keeping tabs or whatever, but we've already had an interesting start here..."

Hikaru paused, not sure what to write next or why she was even bothering the Angel. 'Maybe to apologize for almost dying so quickly?' She thought to herself.

She sent the message without adding anything else.

A few moments later the Angel responded.

Admin Angel004.004- "Firstly, Angels do not tire. So don't worry. Secondly, explicit records are recorded automatically but not accessed until your time of death. Is there something going on you feel I need to know?"

Hikaru-"Well, maybe not. But, I am a little worried. I met a boy, also sent here by your department. And, when I first met him, I... I punched him. And he went flying like two miles or something! That's not normal right?"

There was a long pause and just when Hikaru was about to message the Angel again the Angel responded.

Admin Angel004.004- "Well, I did tell you physical conditioning was a standard change for everyone and you said that's all you wanted so you got a little extra."

Hikaru- "Well, I was upset about that at first, but without that 'extra' he and I'd probably be dead again by now."

Admin Angel004.004- "What do you mean? What happened?"

So Hikaru conveyed what she knew about what had happened. She left out the bit about her arms getting severely damaged. When she was done the Angel replied.

Admin Angel004.004- "I'm sorry. I thought there would be less questions if you showed up out of sight of the town. I didn't think the dangerous beasts would be in that area."

Hikaru wasn't sure what she thought the Angels response was going to be but she didn't expect him to apologize.

Hikaru- "It's okay. The theory seems sound. The OP thing was my main concern, and as I said that's worked out for the better so, thanks for that. I guess. :)"

Hikaru cringed at the smiley face she'd added. She was going to erase it when she felt a spasm travel up her arm starting in her ring finger on her right hand.
When the spasm ceased the new message read:

"It's okay. The theory seems sound. The OP thing was my main concern, and as I said that's worked out for the better so, thanks for that. I guesslll)klkkll...." And it had already been sent.

At Angel HQ, the Angel was sitting at a white desk in an empty, seemingly endless white space. He looked at the message on his tablet from the human girl in confusion. He knew humans used strange abbreviations in text messages but he wasn't familiar with that one.

He started to compose a response, asking for clarification, when he got another message from her.

Hikaru- "Sorry about that. My hand and arm mussle spasmed just then. The 'k's and 'l's are a typo."

There was a long pause after Hikaru's explanation.

Admin Angel004.004- "That doesn't sound right. The default physical parameters alone shouldn't allow such a thing to happen. You were injured weren't you? How badly. If you don't tell me I'll just look it up."

Hikaru- "I thought that information wasn't available until I die."

Admin Angel004.004- "We broke the rules just giving you humans a new life. Do you really think it matters if I break another looking at your information?"

Hikaru- "Yes, I was injured. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have bothered you. I just didn't have anything else to do. It's late here, everyone else is asleep but I just woke up and was bored. Sorry for almost dying."

The Angel sighed, took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes. He'd had a feeling this particular human was going to be difficult when he'd met her. He just had hoped it'd be a little longer before the trouble started.

The Angel hadn't responded to Hikaru's message. She was going to message him again when another message popped up.

Admin Angel004.004- "It's not your fault, it's mine.
Was your companion injured as well?"

Hikaru- "I'm not sure. They said something about him just needing sleep. They said I was hurt worse. The creature got my arms pretty good. I couldn't use them at all at first but I can now. They just hurt."

The Angel didn't message again. Suddenly Hikaru felt very tired. She wasn't sure if it was from over using her arms or what, but she managed to lower herself back down before falling asleep.


The next morning Hikaru woke to a man in a white mage robe standing over her. His hands were glowing and he held them over Hikaru's arms.
"Try not to move. I'm almost done." He said when he saw Hikaru open her eyes.

Raiko wasn't in the bed across from her. 'Where is he?' Hikaru thought to herself.

Hikaru noticed a blinking light. 'The Angel must of messaged me back after I fell asleep.'

She opened  the message tab.

Admin Angel004.004- "As compensation for the mistake made at the time of arrival, a skill has been added to your inventory."


Whew... That took a while. Apologies for taking so long again. I'm usually good with opening a story but at some point, I don't know, I can't figure out how to get from where I leave off to the ending I envision. I'll try my best. I'm hoping to get to some action soon.

The images were taken from the Zedge app and Google search and are really only a vague imagery of what I see in my mind. A kind of place holder.

Please comment. I welcome constructive criticism but please be nice. Insults are not necessary.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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