Start Up Events In Every "Other World" Story - Part 1

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The young man collapsed.


The captain of the guard and his soldiers were astonished.

The guards on duty had reported two strange young travelers coming towards the town and that they were being chased down by a Boar-Bear. Boar-Bears are notoriously difficult to take down. Even in a large hunting party there are usually some injuries or casualties before it's finally defeated.

But the captain had never seen anything like this encounter before.

While the town's soldiers were mustering for the attack, the captain had assumed the travelers would be killed by the time they got to it.
When the captain and the rest of the party arrived, there was one of them hanging on the monsters back. She got injured by its massive claws and the captain shouted, "Move out!"

As the guards were rushing to intercept the creature before it could kill the foolish girl and her companion, the boy started glowing like a hot coal. The guards didn't even register the fact that Boar-Bear was retreating until it was already dead.


'The power that boy had!' the Captain thought. He must be one of those adventures that usually register with the Adventurers Guilds that handle the high level monsters.
The town, Derban, had an Adventurers Guild, but most of the adventurers were elsewhere at the moment.

Thankfully, the captain had insisted that anyone who even remotely had a little MP, learn a basic heal spell when joining the city guard.

The two soldiers with that skill came forward and started working on the travelers injuries. They stopped the girls bleeding, but couldn't do much for the boy.

Seemed he'd over-drawn his magic power. The only thing that'd help him was sleep and a strong MP restoring potion, which the guards did not have on them.


Hikaru woke up just as the guards were entering the town, one of them carrying her cradled in his arms.

"If you don't mind," Hikaru said, surprising the guard carrying her, "I'll walk from here."

The soldier looked around uncertainly. But when he noticed the scowl on his charges face, he stopped and put her down calling to the captain as he did.
"Sir! She's awake."

The captain came over as Hikaru was getting her feet under her.
Hikaru realized that she couldn't move her arms very much, just wiggle a few fingers a bit.
And standing there with her arms limp at her sides, she felt a great deal of discomfort.
Hikaru wouldn't say 'pain' because she'd hurt worse before, but it was definitely uncomfortable.

"We were able to stop the bleeding but we're taking you and your friend to the Medical Guild for proper treatment." The captain of the guard said to her.

Hikaru looked more alert at the mention of her 'friend' and said, "Where is he? Is he alright?"
"One of my men is carrying him.", The captain said in a soothing tone, gesturing for the man carrying the boy to come over.
The soldier looked very ill at ease and, not knowing why, Hikaru thought he was just disgruntled to have to backtrack.

She didn't know this soldier had been chosen by the captain to carry this 'boy', and if given a choice, he would have rather deserted his post that touch that monster. But his captain had given him an order and he was, if nothing else, loyal.

Hikaru looked Raiko over. He was covered in blood and dirt from head to toe. But she couldn't see any injuries.

"Is.. is he.." Hikaru's words were cut off as Raiko snored loudly. She had been worried he was dead, but obviously that was not the case.

"He's just unconscious. Severe magic depletion.", The captain said, "Most likely, the Healers at the Medical Guild will give him a MP restoring potion and, after a good nights sleep, he'll be fully recovered.
Your injuries are far worse despite appearances.
My soldiers healed your skin to stop the bleeding but there is undoubtedly deep muscle damage that the Medical Guild Healers may not be able to fix completely."

Hikaru looked down at her useless arms, trying desperately to make a fist or at least lift her hand to eye level. But all she managed was to move her index and middle fingers slightly.

The captain looked at her with pity. "We should continue to the Medical Guild. Delaying treatment could cause more complications." He said.

Hikaru nodded and when she took a step forward, nearly collapsed again. The soldier that had been carrying her was still close by and caught her as she fell.

"You lost a lot of blood.", He said, "Perhaps I should carry you."

"No." Hikaru said, shaking her head to clear the dizziness, "My legs are fine. I can walk."

The soldier didn't argue but kept his arm around her shoulders to help her along the way.

Hikaru looked around the town as they walked. Many of the buildings looked like they were made of light gray or tan and off-white clay, while the street they were on was perfect, varying shades of gray, stone bricks.

Soon there were vendor stalls starting to pop up every so often until the street was lined with them on both sides. The largest concentration of stalls coming into view at an intersection with another main road.

They went right at the intersection and about halfway down the street, Hikaru saw what almost looked like a modern hospital. If hospitals were made of clay.

Her awareness dulled as they walked and she must have blacked out, walking all the while, because next thing she knew she was being helped onto a bed.
There were many beds in the room separated by screens.

Across from her, she saw the soldier carrying Raiko put him on the bed with the assistance of two people in white mage robes with what looked like blue, decorative belts hanging from the shoulders.

Across from her, she saw the soldier carrying Raiko put him on the bed with the assistance of two people in white mage robes with what looked like blue, decorative belts hanging from the shoulders

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Hikaru assumed these people were the 'Healers' the Guard had been talking about.

As she lied down, she was wanting to talk to the 'Healer'. Get some info about where they were, Raiko's condition.... Her arms, but as her head sunk into the pillow, she fell unconscious again.


Well, maybe not typical Start up events so far, but I'm hoping to throw a few in there. (Besides, I kinda like the misdirect of the title. 😂)

I'm not too sure about the Guild descriptions and there being a difference between the Guilds and the Guard but hopefully it makes sense.

The images were taken from the Zedge app and Google search and are really only a vague imagery of what I see in my mind. A kind of place holder.

I used a random name generator I found, searching Google for ideas, ( to name the town. And any similarities to places real or imaginary is unintentional.

Please comment. I welcome constructive criticism but please be nice. Insults are not necessary.

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