Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

            Josh jerked himself awake and jumped up into a sitting position and looked around. He wasn’t in the library anymore, he was in a strange room. The wall was covered in knives and had one bed in the corner. The knives were all sizes and had blood spattered on all of them. It could have been meat blood, Josh thought.  But on the other hand, it could be the worse thing imaginable. Josh shook the horrible thought from his head.

“Anna?” he shouted, looking around. He had seen her sinking into the couch but sadly, Josh had missed the chance to grab her and help her out. “Are you there?” he called once again. Josh stood himself up and started to look around. The things he saw in the room horrified him and made him gag. He shook his feelings away. Josh walked around the room and slowly came to a hault at his sight. His eyes widened and he dropped to his knees. Jenna's dead body was hanging on a noose hanging form a crack in the ceiling. Her jacket had been ripped off and there was a hole going through her back to her stomach. Josh remembered. She had been left behind laughing on Mary's bed. She claimed she could see, but it wasn't Jenna, it was Naomi. Josh shakily stood up and went to examine Jenna's body. Her blood was dry, which meant she must have been hanging there for quite a while. The hole through her looked as if someone mashed a large, rusty pole thorugh her body.

     Her eyes were wide open, yet the color looked like it had spilled out. Jenna's eyes were simply white with large dilated pupils in the middle of each. Her mouth hung open and there were dry blood-drips on her chin. Josh went to try and untie the noose and let her lie on the ground, but as soon as he touched her, she turn into ash. All that was left was the bloody noose hanging from the wall.

     "Anna!" Josh yelled, "Anna where are you?' he said as tears filled his eyes.

     "I'm here" said a voice, calm and silky. "You must remain calm, Joshua. Do not speak or it takes you. Do not move a muscle or it will seek you out and take you away."

     "What?" asked Josh, "What will take me?" Josh looked around but he couldn't see anyone.

     "Do not speak, remember." said the voice. "I will come for you, Joshua. I always have." Josh lay there confused.  "Don't move a muscle" he said in his head. "Don't say a word" he thought to himself. "I will come for you" Josh didn't understand that one, but he knew we should do as the voice told.

     "Joshua?" Anna said, emerging from a corner. Her voice was silky and calm just like the voice Josh heard earilier. Anna saw josh sitting in front of the ash pile and hanging noose.

     "What happened?" worried Anna. Josh didin't speak or move a muscle. Then Anna remembered she told him not to. She walked up to him and took his arm. "You can move and speak now" she said.

    "Jenna was hangning on this noose, a hole was-" he was interupted by Anna, "I know." she said, "I saw it take her and hang her up like a jacket. The hole was there the whole time, but her jacket was covering it so we never knew. Where is Jenna now?" Josh shook his head.

     "She is the pile of ash. I went to untie her from the noose and she just fell into ash on the floor." said Josh, pain in his words. Anna frowned.

     "It's not like we could have revived her or anything. She was dead so I guess it's better now that she's out of sight." Josh was confused. Anna never acted so dreary and her voice never crumbled like stale bread how it was now. Anna walked to the old bed sitting in the corner and sat down as tears streamed down her face.

     "There's no use in crying" she told herseld, "We couldn't have saved her she already gone" Anna tried to tell herself as tears continued to flow and drip onto the floor. Anna wiped her tears away with her cold, bloody hand and got off the bed. "Come on" she said as she guestured to Josh to follow her, "I know how to get out" she said with a cold voice. Josh walked across the floor, now covered in Jenna's ashes and he followed as Anna led him through a narrow corridor where he could see a white lite flickering at the end.

    "There," said Anna, "Just go through there and you'll be back." she looked at her feet with her eyes half closed as she talked with an icy voice. Josh looked up.

    "What about you?" he said, "aren't you coming back too?" Anna looked up her eyes still half closed and chuckled a cold laugh.

    "I'm already back, sitting on the couch reading my favorite book, waiting for you. Just look, you can see me now through this doorway." Josh squinted his eyes and leaned closer into the doorway just closer and closer he couldn't see anything. Only the white light of the door. He walked into the doorway to try and get a better look when he realized that it was a trap. He fell through the door way and suddenly he fell through the roof and landed back in the room that Anna claimed she had been reading in. But she wasn't there, on that old dusty couch, all that sat there was her favorite book. Josh looked down and closed his eyes.

    "Anna," he said as his voice cracked, "where are you?"

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