Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Naomi looked around. A blood tear dripped down her cheek and she put her hand over her mouth and made her teeth return to a human’s jaw and her eyes grew forward and she blinked hard to get used to her eyes. They were the color of fresh pink roses in spring. She looked closer at the bed now that her eyes could see.

“Mary…” she whispered under her breath. Anna could still hear and see everything, but it wasn’t clear. It was like she was looking through a foggy window and a paper bag was over her head. She still saw that they were in Mary’s room and she could see that Josh was terrified. She could see that Jenna was scared and clueless. But really, Anna wanted to get out. She just wanted to be able to see Josh as clear as she could before. She wanted to hear his voice without any strange filtering that this horrible woman’s possession came with. Anna couldn’t even move. She wasn’t strong enough to control herself and whenever she tried speaking, it was almost like she was mute. No sound came out.

Naomi stared at the bed. She saw Anna’s pack. Everything was still for a few minutes. Then Josh said, “What are you waiting for?” he looked at her in curiosity. Naomi ignored him and quickly headed toward the backpack and unzipped it. She pieced through the items. The letters, the stale bread, the journal. Naomi picked out the journal and flipped to the very last page. She didn’t read it aloud, but it made her smile awkwardly.

“Such a clever plan…” she murmered, “If only I had known about this journal, none of this would have happened… I swear it.” Josh looked at Naomi. Her hair had turned a sweet little girl ginger color. A pink bow grew out of her head, making her look very young. Her clothes changed into clothes that looked like she had made herself. They had brown stitches on them and she had a white apron looking blouse on over her baige skirt. Her wounds healed and her skin turned very pale as if she were sick. She looked at Josh.

“How old is this girl?” she asked him. Josh looked confused. “This body.” Naomi clearified.

“Oh,” said Josh, “She was 14.” He said this looked at Naomi’s eyes. This must have been what she looked like before she died.

“I see…” said Naomi, “This is what I looked like when I was 14. I just never realized how young she was.” Naomi closed her eyes and when she opened them, It seemed like she had completely forgotten what had just happened. She thought she was back in her life as a young 14 year old girl. “Who are you?” she shouted crawling away from Josh. Josh got back.

“I- I’m Josh.” He said, wondering what had happened to Naomi to make her not remember him. Naomi looked at the boy that she no longer recognized.

“What are you doing in my room?” she asked. Josh just shook his head and ran out of the room. Naomi spotted Jenna. She scoffed and got up. Naomi saw blood covering the floor. She frowned and wondered what had just happened. Naomi also didn’t feel right. She didn’t even remember that she was possessing a girl. She thought she was just herself when she was younger. Naomi went into the larger room that Josh and Anna had identified as Naomi’s bedroom when she lived with Mary and her husband, Joshua. Naomi screamed when she saw all the blood covering the bed.

Naomi stormed back to Josh, “You killed my mother! You’ve got blood all over your hands! You must have done this! You monster!” Naomi fell of her knees and started to cough. She coughed up blood and dust. Lastly, a small spirit flowed out of the girls mouth. It was Anna. The spirit looked just how Anna had looked all except she was slightly transparent and she could fly.

“Anna?” cried Josh, “Anna it’s you!” he yelled excitedly, only to realize that she was a ghost and she hadn’t been cured. Anna walked over to Josh, the ugly, rotting floor boards squeaking beneath her feet. When she reached him, she put her index finger over her lips and closed her eyes. She suddenly vanished, leaving Josh standing there with Naomi, who was now real. She was no longer in the body of Anna. She was Naomi as a 14 year old. Naomi pushed herself of the floor and realized she had been crying. But it wasn’t tears she was crying. Red dripped down her face and left a puddle on the floor.

“I’m sick!” she cried, running to the bathroom trying to turn on the water to clean her eyes of the blood. Suprisingly, the water turned on as soon as she flipped the lever to turn it on. Around her, everything in the house repaired to what it must have looked like when she lived there many years ago. Everything started fixing itself and everything started working again. It was like something didn’t want her to know that she wasn’t really back with her family and friends in her house.

Josh stood in the doorway and when he started to step into the room, his surroundings turned back to what he had seen them as, the curtains tore just the same way and the floor had its mildew back and everything was back to its ‘old’ self. Naomi left the bathroom searching for her family and Josh stepped into the bathroom a little further. The walls started oozing dark blood and it smelled sour in the room. The floor started to fill up with blood making Josh’s shoes bloody. There was a strange image in the blood flow on the wall. It spelled out, ‘YOU CAN HELP, JOSH’  Josh ran out of the room and into the kitchen. The bread on the counter was new and looked fresh baked and the sinks looked like someone had just cleaned them. Josh wandered around and looked  as he stepped in the room, the bread turned moldy and flies entered the room, floating around it. Again, the walls dripped blood.

This time the blood spelled out, ‘KILL NAOMI’ Josh again ran out of the room hoping he wouldn’t have to do this dangerous thing. Then he remembered, Naomi is not strong yet. She does not even know who I am.’ Carefully, Josh tipped into Mary’s old room and through himself onto the bed. He tried to close his eyes and just fall asleep and forget about what he saw on the walls. When Josh fell asleep, he dreamed about Anna. Anna’s spirit had written out the signs in the blood in his dream. At the end, when Josh was about to wake up, Anna sat down next to him and whispered something. Josh was dreaming and he couldn’t tell what she had said. He just nodded his head and woke up.

Josh had wondered if Anna wanted him to wake up. She had told him to do something and Josh felt bad that he could never know what she had said to him that made him wake up so abruptly. Josh worked himself off of the bed and tried to cope with what he had just seen in his horrible dream that could have been all Anna’s doing. When he got up, Anna sat next to him on the bed. She looked so real and Josh thought that he imagined the whole thing with Naomi and that maybe it was his dream. But when Josh tried to hold her, she flew away and sat on the floor next to Naomi and tapped on her back. Naomi couldn’t see hear, or feel Anna, but she strangely got up as soon as she was touched. Naomi closed her eyes and slowly fell backwards.

Mansion of HorrorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora