Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Another week went by as Ibe worriedly flipped through the channels, glancing at the news when Max walked over to him and handed Ibe the phone. "It's Ash." Ibe looked confused as he took the phone from Max, placing it to his ear. "Hello?" Ibe could hear the noise of the crowd of people. Guess Ash was out somewhere. "How have you been? I've got two plane tickets for Tokyo that leaves in ten days." Ibe was taken aback. "What?" he asked, shocked. "I'll keep Eiji inside until then. You stay low too." Ash was being cryptic. "Where's Eiji now?" Ibe asked. "Some place safe. I can't let you see him now."

Ibe sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "You think he'll agree to going home?" he asked. Ash remained silent for a moment before answering. "Don't worry. He'll go back, because he'll hate me by then." He could hear the younger man's sadness emanating from the phone. "Anyways, this is goodbye." Ibe sighed. "Ash.." But he was quickly cut off by Ash. "I wish I was able to see that picture. The one that you took of Eiji. Bye." Ibe gasped, thinking of something to tell him. "Ash..I'm sorry."

Ash sighed as he looked over his sunglasses seeing Alexis walking towards him. "Why? You don't need to be. It's okay." he quickly told Ibe, then ended the call, putting his cell in his pocket. "I found him.." Alexis said quietly. "Everything okay?" she asked her brother as he pushed the sunglasses back up his nose. "You shouldn't be here Alexis. You should be at home resting in bed." Ash said, shortly. Alexis sighed and smiled slightly. "I'm pregnant Ash..not sick." Ash looked at her, shook his head and shrugged. "Let's go."

Alexis led her brother to where Dino Golzine was sitting, waiting for his flight. The two of them stood there, watching Golzine reading the paper. An announcement was sounded and he looked up from his paper listening to when his flight was being boarded. He then could feel eyes on him and he turned to look in the direction and gasped as he saw the two blonde hair siblings. Ash was smirking at him. "Hi." he heard Ash say as they both walked over and sat in the chairs facing him. "You seem to be in a hurry. I wonder when you'll be able to come back."

Golzine smirked and leaned back in his chair. He could feel Gregory reaching for his gun, but Golzine lifted his hand, ordering him to stop. "It won't be for long." he said, looking from Ash to Alexis. "You both did well." Ash shrugged, crossing his legs. "You could say it was thanks to your investments." Golzine scoffed. "And this is what I get in return?" Ash glared at him. "We have paid our interest. More than what it's worth." Alexis looked down and protectively wrapped her arms around her stomach.

Golzine looked from Alexis, he could feel the fear emanating from her, and glared at Ash. "No. It's not enough. Not enough at all. We will be one big happy family again." he said, calmly looking at Alexis again. He watched as her eyes darted away and he smirked. Ash sat back, getting comfortable, keeping his eyes on Golzine. "I used to think we'd be free if I could get rid of you, but I guess I was wrong." Ash then leaned forward, closer to Golzine. "Whatever you are up to, I'll stop it." Golzine nodded his head for a second. "So, you came to declare war. I'll bring a good taxidermist with me when I come home then."

Alexis' heart sank. Was he really being serious? He wouldn't kill Ash. He wanted Ash to fill his shoes if and when he kicked the bucket. Ash looked at Golzine confused. "A taxidermist?" he asked. Golzine smirked. "To stuff you. And I can't wait." Ash sighed and stood up, helping Alexis get up, then looked at Golzine again. "I hope your plane doesn't crash. The other passengers won't get to heaven if they're with you." he muttered. "Bon voyage." Ash waved as he pulled Alexis away and Golzine sat there shaking with rage, watching the siblings disappear into the busy crowd.


A few days later, Ash and the gang were hanging out at the new apartment. They were in the living room, the tv, that was hung on the wall above the fireplace was on the news channel. Alex, who was keeping an eye on the tense Ash, as well as the news, sighed. "The Lower East side is all broken up." he stated. "They're all pissing their pants now." Kong chimed in. Ash growled feeling slightly irritated. "Turn the tv off. It's irritating me now." he muttered. The tv went off as Ash dropped a picture onto the coffee table. "These are the next targets." he said, pointing to the picture. "Make them leave Manhattan. If they won't, kill them."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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