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"Something feels wrong"

Draco paused his movements just as he was about to take a drag out of the cigarette between his fingers, turning to her with a confused brow, eyes moving over her form. They were sitting on the grass in front of the black lake, watching the giant squid swim in the dark water. The early October weather was chillyer than usual and both Malfoy siblings were huddled up in scarfs and thicker robes. "What do you mean? Are you hurt?

"No" she rolled her eyes, eyeing the yellow narcissus in between her fingers. Placing it down with the other, she glanced at her brother and bit back a smile when he picked the yellow flower up and put it in his pocket. She conjured a white one. "I'm not hurt, Draco. Something just feels wrong. Like something isn't right and i don't know what it is"

Draco was quiet for a few moments, bringing the cigarette to his lips and inhaling. "Is your headband missing?" he glanced over to her head, frowning when he noticed that the headband was in fact not missing "Did you do the potions homework?"

"Didn't have to" she mumbled absently, stacking the white ones with the pink ones. Together and in between each other. "I finished brewing during the lesson"

He groaned "How the hell do you even manage to do that? Bloody Slughorn only gives us twenty minutes to brew because he keeps fucking talking the entire lesson away"

"Well, if only you decided to ditch your wand, I'm sure it would go a lot faster for you too," Leilani mused with a smug look, reaching out to snatch the cigarette from her brother's fingers, taking a drag herself. Ignoring Dracos scowl, she threw it into the water.

"I wasn't finished with that"

"I know," she said, before frowning, "Something is wrong. I just know it. Something is missing"

"The only thing missing recently is your wand" Draco grumbled, fishing out his flask from his robe and taking a swig. Out of the corner of his eyes, he watched as his sister's eyes widened in realization "Oh fucking hell, Lani. Please tell me you didn't lose your wand somewhere"

"I...I may have?" Draco groaned out loud and she quickly added, starting to pat her robes as if looking for her wand "I don't know! But now that i think of it...I haven't seen my wand in a week"

"A week?" He dragged a hand down his face and turned to her completely "You're telling me that you haven't seen your wand in a week and you didn't fucking notice?" when she smiled sheepishly, he scowled and took a even bigger gulp than he did before "Bloody hell, Lani"

"Yeah" she winced, but then she shrugged "It's fine. I'll just accio it. Not like this hasn't happened before" She waved her hand, and then settled back against the grass with her hands. When nothing happened, she frowned and did the motion again.

"I can't see any flying wands," Draco snorted, smirking at her.

"Shut up, Draco" She muttered and sat up and did it again. Nothing happened "Why isn't it working? It should be in my hand by now"

"Perhaps you're doing it wrong" She gave him a blank stare and he huffed a bitter laugh, nodding in agreement "Yeah, that was daft. Forget I said that" when she did it again with no success, he slapped her hand away "Here, let me try"

Leilani watched with a raised brow as her brother did the exact same motion she did with her hand to summon her wand and she gave him a pointed stare when nothing happened. Dracos brows furrowed, looking down at his hands before he turned to look at her "Why the fuck isn't it working? Did you put some protection spell on it or something?"

"Knowing me, I probably did" she replied, before quickly adding "However, i'm sure that i haven't. Besides even if i did, the wand would still be on it's way because i'm the owner and it knows that you're not a threat"

Flowers and Oranges - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now