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Potions class was a pain in the fucking arse.

Leilani couldn't keep the annoyed roll of her eyes as the professor kept talking. Slughorn seemed to be on some kind of roll today, because the second he entered the classroom, he opened his mouth and never closed it again.

It had been thirty minutes.

And she was this close to throw a handful of leeches at his head. Ready to see them stick to his face as he screamed and threw his hands up in fright. Ready to hear him demand who it was and damn ready to stick her hand up the air.

Because that would be her victory.

Her foot tapped against the cold marble floor of the potions classroom, getting more aggravated the more he spoke. No one was sitting down, ready to get to work and brew the fucking potion he assigned them to do.

Out of the corner of her eye she could see the outline of Granger's big hair. Her fingers fumbled, her eyes twitching. Probably to keep her from saying something. But Leilani hoped she did. Hoped she stood up and told their professor to shut the fuck up so they could work. Even Potter, who never really gave a shit about classes, seemed ready to stand up.

Weasley wasn't with them. The seat next to the scarred orphan was empty, leaking of the redhead's absence. Somehow, as soon as she entered the classroom thirty minutes ago, her eyes had subtly drifted around the room in search of him. Why? She wasn't sure.

He had left her off guard- again. When he dropped his wand into her lap this morning, as if she had some kind of fucking disability. As if she couldn't use her own wand and hex him. She could if she wanted to and it just so happened to be that she didn't.

She hadn't used her wand since...

No- she didn't want to think about it.

However, what had made her think was that he assumed she was still being monitored. She wasn' least to her knowledge she wasn't. Her eyes drifted to the side, watching as Theo twirled his wand between his fingers, casting harmless charms under the table as their professor spoke.

She tilted her head. Theo's wand was still being monitored.

How far could you go with a monitored wand?

"-I understand how difficult it must be for all of you to be here, I myself am quite shaken up. But we pulled it through didn't we? We're all still here. All of us. Including your old professor, which I'm sure shocks the most of you-" Slughorn laughed at himself, not seeming to realize that no one else was laughing. Not even a smile. Not even a simple twitch of the lip.

Everyone was waiting for him to get to his point. He didn't seem to find it.

"- But you kids are young, oh i remember when i was your age. Running around without a limp, without feeling your lungs burn or your legs hurt. I was quite the jokester myself, if any of you're curious-"

No one was.

Leilani's eyes glanced at Draco and she bit back a grin when she found him asleep, cheek first into the table, making his face squish up. He was snoring softly under his breath, and she huffed a quiet laugh as she cast a wandless silencio around him.

Suddenly Theo exhaled harshly, and slumped in his seat, leaning closer to her "If he doesn't shut his trap in the next five minutes, I'm shoving Draco's wand up his wrinkled arse"

She leaned back, raising a questioning brow at him "Why Draco's wand?"

"Well I can't use mine, can I? That would be disgusting"

Flowers and Oranges - Ron WeasleyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ