"Cool man." I answered in a dull tone.

"Why do I feel like you're not in the mood for partying?"

"Because of my black eye!" I pointed to my left eye. I made it as a reason, because seriously I'd rather sleep after football champs.

"You should apologize to Raina." Joey requested.

"Me? Apologize? She gave me this!" Again I pointed to my precious eye, how can he not see that I'm physically injured?

"She also sprained her good hand!"

He has a point though. "Joey, why the hell are you protecting her?!"

"Dude I'm not. She's a girl, for fucks sakes. She did that because of your idiocy." He smirked.

Vinny nodded his head in agreement. Why do I feel like they're teaming up against me?

I glared at them, and sighed in defeat. I have no choice. They're my older brothers. "Fine."

"Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go call Alec." Joey excused himself. Wait who's Alex?

"Alec? The blonde girl with Raina?"

"Yes. No more questions asked because she's now in the line- Hello, Alec." His voice changed when he's talking with Alec. Typical Joey Moves.

I rolled my eyes at him then Vinny chuckled. "I think he likes her."


"Hey, if you want to be okay with Raina, the first step is to apologize." He advised then left.

I nodded at his advice. He's right, god he's always right. Sighing, I stood up and have to get an ice bag. The pain is slowly coming back. Damn it. Mental note, never piss Raina Marie Harris.


I waited for Raina to arrive. I have been leaning against her locker for I don't know, an hour. Joey thinks I owe her an apology. But I do feel bad doing that to her. I admit, I still kinda like her. She's tough and independent. She survived one year without me by my side. And she found herself new girly friends.

"God, you won't stop won't you?" My soul nearly jumped upon hearing Raina's voice. I smiled at her but she didn't, she narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms, tapping her foot impatiently.

"Raina! Hey, chill. I just came to say... " I took slow and cautious steps closer to her.


I threw my hands in defense and take small steps close to her. People were now looking and whispering but I ignored them, "Nice punch. I totally deserve it." I can tell she was taken aback at what I said, and waited for more. She knew what I wanted to do all along I can't blame her she's smart. I took a deep breath and let out the words... "And I'm sorry."

Her expression didn't change, her eyes are more narrowed, "How much?"


"How much did your brothers and my friend paid you?" did she honestly think I'd do this for money?!

"What! Rain, no. They didn't bribe me to apologize. Honest!"

She was still scrutinizing me, I keep my face trying not to be a liar in front of her. She finally sighed, and said "Okay, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have done that."

"So I guess we're cool now?" I smiled and held out for her hand. She looked at it for a second before she could grab it.

"I guess so. Now get away from my locker." She pushed me aside using her other hand. She took her large books. I can see why this pretty girl doesn't have a boyfriend.

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