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Once upon a time, in a far-off galaxy, there was a beautiful planet called M78. The inhabitants of this planet were highly advanced beings with incredible powers, and they were known as the Ultra Warriors.

Among these Ultra Warriors were Aiyoshizawa, Ichikai, Taburi, Hirayama Sakura, Obi Yoshiro, Sugawara Tatsuo and Kaziyu. They were all skilled warriors, and their duty was to protect the galaxy from any threat.

One day, a new enemy appeared, and it caused chaos and destruction throughout the galaxy. This enemy was called Nara Kozumikki. It was a being of immense power and was out to conquer the galaxy.

Ultraman Legion, the Ultra Warrior of Peace, and Ultraman Nonarion, the Ultra Warrior of Light, were tasked with defeating Nara and saving the galaxy. They set out on a dangerous mission, armed with their incredible powers and determination to succeed.

In the meantime, a strange ship crash-landed on M78, and the crew was taken in for questioning. The ship's captain was a mysterious woman named Kaziyu, and her appearance raised suspicion among the Ultra Warriors.

Despite the warnings from their comrades, Taburi and Ichikai decided to investigate Kaziyu's arrival and origins. They soon discovered that Kaziyu was not who she claimed to be and was, in fact, a spy from Nara's army.

As Legion and Nonarion continued their mission, Nara launched a surprise attack on the Ultra warriors. Ultraman Nonarion fought bravely, but he was fatally wounded in battle. His death was a devastating blow to Legion and the rest of the Ultra Warriors.

With Nonarion gone, Legion was left to fight Nara alone. The battle was fierce, and it seemed as though Legion might be defeated. Just as Nara was about to defeat Legion, a powerful burst of light emerged from the other side of the galaxy.

It was Zephyr Darkfyre, a being of pure darkness who had been hiding in the shadows all along. He was intrigued by Nara's invasion and had come to claim the galaxy for himself. A three-way battle ensued between Legion, Nara, and Zephyr. It was an intense battle that lasted for hours.

In the end, Legion managed to defeat both Nara and Zephyr, but the victory was bittersweet as Ultraman Nonarion had perished in the process. The Ultra Warriors mourned the loss of their comrade and vowed to protect the galaxy in his memory.

In the aftermath of the battle, it was revealed that Kaziyu had been a spy for Nara all along, and the Ultra Warriors were shaken by the realization that an enemy had been amongst them the entire time.

The Ultra Warriors were left reeling from the discovery that Kaziyu had been a spy all along. As they attempted to piece together what had happened and how they could have missed the fact that one of their own was a traitor, they began to question everything.

Was there anyone else amongst them who sought to do harm to the galaxy? Had they become too complacent in their roles as protectors, assuming that their power was enough to keep the universe safe?

The loss of Ultraman Nonarion only added to their sense of despair. He had been a warrior of incredible power and courage, and his absence left a gaping hole in their ranks. The very universe seemed to mourn his loss, with stars flickering out across the sky as the news of his death spread.

As they struggled to come to terms with what had happened, Ultraman Legion knew that they must press on. The galaxy needed them more than ever before. With Nara and Zephyr vanquished, there was a brief moment of respite, but Legion knew that it was only a matter of time before another threat appeared.

He began to train harder than ever before, pushing himself to new limits with each passing day. He sought to strengthen his powers and his mind, determined to be ready for whatever came next.

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