True Love

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He gets right up to her, their lips almost touching. As he slowly used his hand to brush the hair away from her benevolent face, they stared deeply into each others' eyes. He gazed into the beauty of the night sky and star light being reflected within her pupils. But she began to cry, softly and lightly, one drop at a time. He was afraid that he had done something wrong, proceeding to quietly question her if something was wrong. She doesn't reply well, stuttering as she attempts to state some words of any kind. Leaning in and saving her from the struggle, he kisses her deeply, erotically caressing her waist. Making the way up to her arms, then neck, and hair. She tries to stop him, but can't move at all. Not wanting it to stop, she wraps her arms around his masculine chest, clutching his back tightly. They pause for a moment to catch their breaths, watching each other with a look of desperation and lust. She releases him from her powerful grasp. He looks at her, gazing as she just manages to process what had just occurred. "How could you just do that? I hurt you so many times, tripped you up in the halls, pushed you against so many lockers. I kept on telling myself to just lean in and do it, but I always backed out every time. I'm sorry." They return back to being more than close to one another. Pushing him back towards the bed, she lays on top of him while both are under the soft blanket of the covers. They stop, she slowly moves off. He wraps his arms around her waist and hugs her, stopping her from getting away while pulling her back down. Making a sudden noise in shock, she can't help but feel something strange rising from her heart. Finally, he lets go, proceeding to relax and stare deeply into her sparkling blue eyes. He feels it too, but both aren't quite sure what it is that they're feeling as it is a new thing to both of them. She shuffles down onto his chest, dozing off to sleep on his perfectly warm body. Wrapping them both up like a cocoon, he falls asleep with her, both in each other's arms, hoping for this moment to never end. "I love you" She whispers in his ear while feeling his belly. He gets really close again, closer than ever before and whispers in her ear with a soft but enticing tone, "I love you more".

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