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Here I was, standing in the middle of my childhood home. The two women I loved, gone from this world. I was alone.

Time had passed like nothing changed. It has been a year since I left home and moved back to new York. I was going to start a new life over here, with the memories of the past plastered at the back of my mind always.

It was lunch time at work now, and my colleagues and I decided to have a sandwich before we were distracted by another mission. Being a detective was tough, tougher than I imagined. I had been working as a personal detective for over six months now, and all I can say is, humans are terrible. Before we could finish our lunch, Wade, our boss walked into the office.

" Sandwiches, really?" he said chuckling as dropped some files on the table.

" I doubt they'd be enough for the type of work we have today" he continued sharing a paper around.

" This is Antonio Rossi, I'm sure most of you recognize the face" he said pointing at the paper with a picture and a write up underneath.

Antonio Rossi, the most disgusting piece of shit I've ever seen in my life. No, I'm not over exaggerating, he's the spawn of Satan. Literally. The human boogey man, and the most dangerous man in the whole of new York. He was involved in everything evil, from selling of illegal drugs to under aged prostitution.

" Today, Antonio was seen talking to her-" Wade said pointing towards our projector screen.

" Name: Rose Alvero, Age: 32, Relationship: Unknown" he continued.

"We need to find out why they met and the connection they have. Kai and Reese, I expect a report this evening. Possible?" he asked looking at the two of us.

" Yes Sir" We responded.

After the general meeting, we all dispersed, leaving Wade, Reese and I.

" It's going to be hard for Rose to talk to you both of she realizes that you're officials, I expect you both to be attentive. This can end up being dangerous or very easy. I won't want anything to happen to my two best detectives. Am I clear?" he finished as he stood up to pat us both.

" Yes sir" we replied in unison.
Standing up to pack my stuff, I got a text message from the housing estate regarding a house up for sale.

' Good day Mr. Kai , this is to inform you that a house at the extreme of the estate has been put up for sale. Kindly give us a call if interested. Prices are also negotiable'.

I was so tired of the lack of privacy in the office dorm that I decided to start checking for houses months ago. Thankfully, I would be moving out just like I wanted. With that conclusion, I dialed their number. After the first ring, they picked up.

" Good Afternoon Sir, this is all seasons housing estate, how may we help you?"

" Umm... Good Afternoon, This is Kai, Kai Rivers. I'm calling regarding the house for sale? I said walking out of the office. Reese had already gone out to get changed for the mission. Fortunately for me, I was already dressed like a civilian, a black turtle neck and some washed up jeans so I had a bit of time before we left.

" Oh Yes, Mr. Kai. I'm sure you have seen the house, yes?"

" Yeah, that's why I called. I'm interested in purchasing it. How much is it please"

" It would be better to sign the lease physically, don't you think?" The Man asked. That made perfect sense. At least, I'd be able to see the house too before making the payment.

" Sure, that's fine by me. How about Tomorrow morning. Is that okay?" I asked entering into the passenger's seat.

" Yes sir, Tomorrow is perfect. Have a nice day" he concluded.

" You too". I answered then ended the call.

Reese was already sitting in the car when I got in. I sincerely hope he wasn't here for too long.

" You okay?" he asked looking at me as he turned on the ignition.

" Yeah, just personal stuff, nothing serious" I replied putting on my seatbelt. He didn't push it like I expected, instead, he replied with an okay, and began to drive. The drive was a 20 minutes one, with no single conversation between us, just comfortable silence. I liked it.

When we got to the house, we both brushed each other up on the plan. We go to the door, knock and wait for a response, tell her we're from Antonio and watch her reaction. Simple right?, Wrong. As soon as we stepped down from the car, I felt someone looking at us from the window. Ignoring it, Reese and I knocked and the door and stayed quiet for signs of movement inside the house. For over 5 minutes and continuous knocking, there was still no response at the door. That's when we both decided that one of us checks if there's a back door, and the other stays in front in case of anything.

I decided to go to the backyard, not because I felt that I'd be more alert that Reese, no, just that we both knew that if there was someone still in the house and it called for a chase, I was faster. Getting to the back, the back door was already wide open. Entering into the house, I moved around as quiet as possible to avoid calling attention to myself. There were two rooms in the house at the extreme ends facing each other, and a kitchen sharing space with the parlor. It looked comfortable. Realizing that no one was in the house, I turned my back towards the sitting room and headed towards the door. That's when I felt it, movement. Before I knew what was going on, the weight of something hit my head. Turning towards the direction of the sound, I saw Rose, with an already broken glass staring right at me. I wanted to tell her she was safe and I wasn't a threat, but as soon as I tried to get the words out of my mouth, darkness took me.

I could hear my own heartbeat; The thumping. I could hear voices but I couldn't seem to put voices to names. My head was hurting. Like I got hit my something heavy. Realization hit me. Rose. With that, I got up faster than I was meant to, which made my eyes turn as I hit my head back on the pillow groaning.

" Kai?" I heard someone say as they approached the bed. It sounded like Wade. I failed didn't I?. Sighing, I opened my eyes slowly as I looked at him.

" You okay Son?" he asked touching my shoulder.

" Yes sir" I replied with a brief smile.

" Good. Reese and Rose are in the investigation room right now. After the incident, Reese was able to detain Rose once he saw you were unconscious and immediately called for help. Everything went well" he finished. Before I could ask further questions, the doctor came in.

" Good Evening Gentlemen" she said greeting us.

" Thankfully, the force of impact on your head isn't as bad as we expected. Although you should be careful for a while because of the concussion. We've done all the tests necessary, You can go home tomorrow morning" she continued.

" Thank you Doc" Wade nodded towards her.

" Rest up son, let's talk tomorrow" he said as he patted my shoulder again then walked out of the room.

The room was quiet and cold, and I didn't have the strength to turn the AC off so I just used the hospital blanket and wrapped it around me. Before 3 minutes, I fell asleep. Peacefully?, No. Someone was in the room with me throughout.

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