2Han (Part 2)

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"Look I know this isn't the best way to meet but trust me......I also have a big plan going on....."
Hannah looked at Han while he rambled on. They both headed outside on their way back to the JYPE Building.

"Now.....I wanted to throw a party......to troll JYPE and the other Skz members....maybe the NMIXX members too......I just think if we prank the Twice members......I might be ambushed especially since I know that you and Jeongyeon have had 'dates' out before..."
"NOT TRUE! My eonni and I never went on 'dates' ! We went out to do some meditation while I was a trainee....especially on her hiatus.."
Han looked in fear and shock...
"I'm- sorry.... Anyways um....err...."
Hannah could see the visible shock and walked a-bit closer to Han
"Yo I'm sorry I mean I didn't mean too yell.."
"No it's ok...." He paused "It's just....before my debut....I was mainly quiet you know.....I mean I lived in a different country for a while and then moved back to Korea as I got in to the company but it was like.....during them years.....I got in a few fights and I wasn't as sociable at all.. it was just after Chan came up to me and asked me to be apart of 3racha that I started to come out of my shell....."
Hannah looked in disbelief. She had similar experiences elsewhere and she was dissatisfied she got Han this way.
"I'm so sorry.....if I'm honest....I had a similar experience but mainly at school and when I first came to Korea....."

Both walked on to the building discussing their backstories and their plan to prank artists in their company. As they walked on they heard screaming in the background to which Hannah was called.

The two girls ran to each other, hugging tightly. Both became best friends on Girls Planet and they were both supporting their debuts.
"Wait Hiyyih.... This is Han by the way.."
"Oh hi!" Both responded to each other.
"I'm sorry Hannah but I can't stay for long.....apparently I'm supposed to go onto Queendom 2 so I need to practice...."
"Oh that's ok Hiyyih....see you soon!"
"Bye!" Both girls reply to each other.

"Wow you are social!"
"Yeah I know!"
"Now about this plan..."
They kept taking even in the building but as they talked they bumped into someone....someone they know....
"Guys.....you know how to walk around here...."
"Oh hi Lily eonni!!!" Hannah replied as Han only said a simple hi.
"Now what is this about slime balloons..."
"We're thinking about making slime balloons to give to artists to play with!"
"That's....interesting..." Lily replied.
"Sorry to bump into you eonni..."
"It's ok....oh yeah Hannah....Practise room 4 today at 6pm!"
"Thanks Lil....see ya!"
As they kept walking, Han sees his members and eventually parted ways with eachother.

IMPURITIES|| NMIXX ADDED MEMBEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora