Chapter 2

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Sleep was something I never seemed to get enough of; I always sat up late at night watching out the window. Or cuddled in a warm blanket reading a book.

Night had brought me a sense of peace as I got older; the silence, the way the world just seemed to go to sleep for a little while. However, I usually hated myself in the morning, so I stayed up late, just as I do now. I stood groggily, watching as the coffee slowly dripped into the pot. A loud groan came from my throat when the machine only released a few drops at a time.

"Stupid thing, brew faster" I smack the top of the machine in hopes of it pumping out the liquid faster. Unfortunately, it only causes the machine to brew slower; I sigh heavily, blowing away some of the hair that has fallen on my face. 

"Woah, what did the coffee machine ever do to you?" I hear Cam asks sarcastically as the twins enter the kitchen.

"It's keeping me from my happiness," I state dryly, staring down the pot. I turn to the kids, see them all dressed for school, and smile slightly at them. Getting that same warm feeling in my chest every time I saw them, I prayed every night that feeling would never go away.

"Well, don't you two just look adorable," I state, slightly coming out of my morning funk at the sight of them. Aria wore skinny jeans and a floral top with cute leather boots, while Cam was dressed in his normal sweats, cut t-shirts, and sneakers. 

"Don't go all mom on us for the first day," Aria teased, an amused smile appearing on my face as I put my hands up in surrender. 

"And here I thought you liked when I did that," I joke, turning back to the coffee pot. I quickly grab a cup and pour the liquid into it. 

"We do, but sometimes you go a little too mom mode, "Cam teases with a small smile, my brown eyes connecting with his as I grunt, placing my hand on my heart and fake like I was in pain. 

"You wound me, Cameron," I dramatically whine, causing the boy to roll his eyes playfully.

"You're so weird," Both teens state simultaneously before chuckling slightly at my antics. I loved seeing them smile; it was part of the reason I acted the way I did.

I never wanted to act like their parent because I knew I could never replace the mother they had, but when she passed, she wanted me to look after them. I took on the challenge, of course, because she was my best friend, and I loved her children like my own. 

However, sometimes it was hard to walk the line of cool aunt and guardian; most days I was the person they could talk to about anything, a friend, their safe space.

Then others, I had to put my foot down and be a guardian, and they hated that. Hell, I hated it. I hated when I had to yell at them because these kids were so special to me, and I couldn't stand being mad at them. I hated when I had to put on the mom front because I wasn't their mother and I never would be. 

"Alright, time for school, come on, let's go" I quickly break my train of thought and shoo them to the door. Aria and Cam both groaned loudly as we exited the house, causing me to laugh slightly at their dramatics. I mean, it's just school. How bad could it be? Right?


We finally arrived at the school and the kids exited the car, I smile widely and wave at them as they disappear into the sea of kids. A heavy sigh passes my lips when they were gone, of course, I worry about their attending this school. I could only hope they knew how important it was to keep their wolf powers under check, no one could know about us. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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