Episode 9 In each of our hearts

Start from the beginning

Izuku " [gasp] Kirishima- wait."

Suddenly a large concrete wall sprouted from the ground stopping kirishima.

Cementos" for your safety, please stay back, young man. Join your classmates at the front gate. Leave the injured to us, we can take care of them."

Kirishima " oh, gotcha. I'm on it! Hey! He said for all of us to head to the entrance!"

Tsume " Kiri! I can't walk mind helping?!"

Kirishima" oh Tsume are you okay?"

Tsume " yeah my legs just hurt."

He then wrapped his arm around me and carried me to the stairs where Tsu helped me up as we headed for the door. As we exited the facility the sounds of police sirens and angry birds filled my ears. Tsu then placed me on the stretcher so I could sit.

detective tsukauchi " 16,17,18,19,20.
Everyone seems to be unharmed except for that boy whose legs were all messed up, and the girl with the injured leg."

Hagukure " Ojiro. I heard you were a really good fighter. I had no idea you were so strong!"

Ojiro " I didn't know I was the only one on my own. I survived using hit-and-run tactics. So where did you end up fighting, hagukure?"

Hagukure " the landslide zone! You wouldn't believe how strong Todoroki was. He's amazing!"

Ojiro " you don't say! Well, I'm just glad you didn't get hurt."

Aoyoma " Aren't you wondering about moi? Where was my sparkling light?"

Tokoyami " interesting. So the people you fought were also low-level thugs."

Kirishima " Yeah, they messed with the wrong kids, huh?"

Aoyama" Did you miss me?"

Sero " So all might put that hole in the dome after all. I figured."

Sato " that took some hardcore power."

Shoji " Yeah, it was crazy."

Aoyama " where do you think I was?"

Tsu " um, where?"

Aoyama " it's a secret."

Tsume " Really?"

Tsukauchi " let's go ahead and get these students back to the main campus. They've been through a lot. We don't need to question them right away."

Tsu then leaped over to the detective.

Tsu " Detective. What about Mr.Aizawa?"

He then pulled out his phone and but the rescue squad on the phone.

[Rescue squad] The bones in his arms are splintered and he's got facial fracturing. Fortunately there doesn't seem to be any serious brain damage. But, his orbital floor has been almost completely destroyed. We have no way of knowing if his eyesight will be impaired once he's healed up."

Detective " well you heard the man."

Tsu " Ribbit..."

Mineta" not his eyes!"

Mina " Um, sir, what about Thirteen?"

Detective" There's no need to worry there. Despite some pretty bad lacerations to the back, Thirteen is gonna pull through, good as new. And All Might is also without any serious injuries. He's in the nurse's office right now. Recovery girls power should be all the treatment he needs."

Uraraka " What about Deku?!"

Iida " How's midoriya?!"

Detective " Midori-- ah, Recovery girl is taking care of him,too he's fine."

Uraraka " oh, thank goodness."

Detective " now, let's get you back to class."

[Students] "okay."

Detective " Sansa. I still have some business in the nurse's office. I'll leave this to you, 'kay?"

Then a police officer with a cat head turned around and saluted.

Sansa " Yes, sir!"

Tsume(Ah! A cat please don't eat me!")

Then the nurses grabbed my stretcher and lifted me into the ambulance.

Nurse A " Don't worry ma'am this won't hurt a bit."

The nurse then placed a breathing mask on me and I instantly fell asleep.

When I woke up my leg was covered in bandages and my body was covered in feathers like always. I was in the nurse's office near midoriya but All Might had already left.

Recovery girl" Ah Tsume nice to see your awake. Your injuries are all healed up and your free to go."

I turned in bed and stood up. My costumes left leg was in shambles and where shigaraki's quirk hit was a large scar spanning across leg.

Tsume " this permanent?"

Recovery girl " unfortunately yes."

Tsume " fine with me."

I stood up and walked out of the room. Waiting outside were Tsuyu and Mineta.

Tsu " Tsume! Are you okay?!"

Tsume " Yeah I'm fine just a scar."

I lifted up my leg as both covered up there mouths.

Mineta " that doesn't look good."

Tsume " well I got a cool scar out of it!"

I flexed my arms and smiled. But the smile was fake. Down in the pit of my stomach was a dark feeling, one I knew would last and one I knew was just beginning.

Season 1 Ending

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