Hungover ||S.S

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You woke up the next day to a brutal headache. "Fuck.." you mumbled, as Sadie was still beside you sleeping peacefully. You turned to Sadie and kind of shook her awake. "Do you need something, y/n?" She asked half asleep. "Is there any aspirin?" You asked. "There isn't any Y/n." You sat up on the bed and asked, "Sades, can you please get some aspirin? This headache is killing me." You said as Sadie got up. "Can't I get it later?" Sadie said still half asleep. "Please Sades.." Sadie sighed and got up. "Alright, I'll get some, but for now you should get some water and stay in bed."

Sadie said as she went downstairs and left to get some aspirin from the pharmacy nearby, you got up from bed and went into the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. "Fuck.." you said before sitting down and flushing the toilet, After a few minutes you heard the door open and Sadie coming up the stairs. "I got your aspirin y/n/n." Sadie said going into the bathroom and handing it to you. "You feeling okay?" Sadie said worried. "A bit." You said as you took the aspirin. "Just get a little bit more sleep." Sadie said as she scooped you up and brought you to the bedroom. "Just sleep for awhile and drink some water." She said smiling.


I know this is kind of short but I didn't know how to make this.

Sadie SinkWhere stories live. Discover now