Lie detector test ||S.S

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(This isn't a romantic relationship in this story, it's mostly platonic.)

"Hi, I'm Y/n Y/l/n." "And I'm Sadie Sink, today we will be doing a Lie detector test, you ready, y/n?" Y/n nodded, the guy put the straps on y/n. "So, y/n who is your current celebrity crush?" "I- uh, Zendaya?" You said kind of doubting your answer. "False." The guy said. "Oohhhh, so who really is it?" Y/n just put her hand over her face. "Can we skip this question?" You asked. "No, we can't unless you answer it." Sadie said. "Okay, fine, can I say one?" Sadie nods, "Lili Reinhart." The guy did a thumbs up and Sadie went to the next question. "Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?" Sadie read the question and

looked up at y/n. "No, I do not, I am single." "True." The guy said as Sadie picked a random question. "Ooh, this is a juicy one, if you were able to pick a boyfriend or a girlfriend, who would it be?" Sadie looked up from the card to look at y/n. "I..I uhm, probably you." You said. "Oh, really?" "True." The man said as Sadie put the card down and picked another. "Were you born in a rich or a poor family?" "None, actually we were kind of a mediocre family." You shrugged as the man signed a thumbs up. "Kiss, Marry and kill, this is my character version. Ziggy, Max and Ellie." Sadie said. "Fuckkk uhm, Kiss Max, Marry Ziggy and fuck Ellie? Can I even say that?" Sadie shook her head. "No, you can't."

You sighed, "if I killed Ellie you would be mad same with any other character you played." "No, I won't." Sadie said. "Fine, them I'll kill Ellie." "True." Sadie put the cards down and you asked. "When can I be the one asking questions?" "Later." Sadie said flipping to the next question. "What is your favorite Taylor Swift song?" "All Too Well, the 10 minute version." You said as the guy signed another thumbs up before getting up and taking the things off you. "It's your turn Sadessss!" Y/n said as the two switched seats and Sadie put her hands up as they put the straps on her. "Who is your favorite person in the cast of stranger things?" "Uhm, all of you guys." "True."

(Time skip to when they are done.)

"That took so long to film." Sadie said yawning. "Yeah, it did take a long time." You said. "I'm just gonna head home, cya later!" You said before heading back to your hotel. You opened the hotel room and headed straight to your bed room plopping down onto your bed, you were bored so you took out your phone and scrolled through TikTok, seeing people already re-posting the lie detector test video of you and Sadie, they were editing the part where you said that 'if you would pick anyone to be your girlfriend or boyfriend who would it be?' You liked a few videos of you and Sadie on the lie detector test. You went onto Instagram and took a photo of you laying down on the bed putting the caption as, "Just finished filming the Lie detector test video with me and

Sadie, go check it out." You put the link at the bottom of the post, you tagged Sadie in the story, you put it on your Instagram story before closing your phone, you went into the bathroom and opened the Faucet to the bathtub, you changed into a bathing suit before hoping in resting your phone beside you, after a few min you took your phone again and went on Instagram posting pictures you took of you and Sadie the other day tagging Sadie in the post again. The caption as "She looks like the sun<3" and posted the picture. Soon after Sadie reposted it onto her story and commented, "And you look like a goddess." Which got the fans freaking out about them think they were dating, soon after you posted that you saw a notification saying you got tagged in a photo posted by Sadie.

You clicked on the photo and liked the post. It was a photo of me and Sadie at a restaurant we went too last night. Her caption was, "the food was Amazinggg!" You smiled and commented, "The food is amazing like you." You commented in her post before going to TikTok and seeing a few edits of Sadie's comment on your post. The fan's caption was, "Are they dating? If you end up seeing this, are you guys dating?" You went into the comments and typed, "No, Unfortunately we aren't dating yet, we are just good friends." The fan soon got the notification of the reply and replied. "Yet?" The fan replied. You posted a TikTok with a black background since you were in the bathtub. "I just wanted to make this clear, Me and Sadie aren't dating, it's Platonic with a capital P, but maybe in the future? We'll never know, but we aren't dating right now."

You posted it and continue to scroll through TikTok before getting a call from Sadie. "Hey Sades!" You said. "Hey y/n, i was wondering if we could go out for dinner later?" Sadie said from the other line. "Yeah, sure!" You said before you hung up, you continued to scroll through TikTok, All Too Well By Taylor Swift started playing on your phone. You watched the video and liked it. "Tbh, I love the song specifically the 10 minute version! It's an amazing short film @taylorswift!" You tagged Taylor in the comment and commented on the video, you got out of the bathtub and dried yourself off before draining the water and changed into baggy clothes jumping onto the hotel bed. "I'm coming to pick you up in a few minutes!" Sadie texted. "Okay." You reply with, you got out of the bed and put sun glasses and a hat on.

You waited for Sadie and you heard knocks on your door so you opened the door, "ready to go?" Sadie asked. "Yep! More ready then ever!" You said jokingly, the two of you guys walked to a nearby restaurant and asked for a table for two, "I'll just hope people wont think this is a date." You smiled a little. "The table is ready Ma'am, it's the one at the back left corner." The person said. "Thank you." Sadie said as the both of you guys went to the your table. "Do you want a salad?" You nodded as the waiter came over to get their orders. "We'll get two salads." Sadie said. "Can i also get a iced tea?" You told the waiter. "Thanks!" You said.

Soon your guy's food came and you guys ate, paid then left. "I'll cya tomorrow Y/n!" Sadie said before you two headed to your guys'd separate ways. You went back to the hotel room and went to the bedroom plopping down onto the bed slowly drifting to sleep.

Sadie SinkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang