chapter 19

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Lennox Monroe

Monday night I immediately drove to Harry's house after work.

I stuck around to grade some of the final projects that were turned in early so that at the end of this week I would be able to go home right away and get my holiday break started.

Most of the students made little pottery pieces like mugs and dishes, but I had some who got really creative and were crocheting hats and scarves, getting really detailed in the designs that they were adding to them.

On the other hand, there were some students who took the easy way out and were just creating as many crochet coasters as they could since we did that as a project not too long ago and they still had the methods down.

Every semester I was so proud to see how much the students grow and how impressed I constantly am by their work. As selfish as it sounds, I love the end of the semester because it allows them to do all their own work and I just get to sit back and spend all of my class periods making my own things too.

I finished the cardigan I was making for Harry yesterday as I sat on my couch contemplating everything. I planned on finishing it today at school, but I ended up making another thing and that's why I had a giant gift bag stuffed with crochet gifts in the passenger seat of my car.

I was tapping my fingers against the steering wheel as I was sitting at a red light waiting to turn into the parking garage. I nodded my head along softly with the music that was playing in the car as I pulled into the spot that I had deemed as my own.

After I parked I grabbed the gift bag along with my purse and school bag, making my way up to Harry's apartment. 

I got out of the elevator, walking past Mason's apartment wondering if he was home yet since we left work around the same time but turned the corner to head down the hallway to Harry's instead.

I knocked on the door of his apartment waiting for an answer. I wasn't even sure if he was home or not. I held the gift bag at my side, gripping the handles of it with nerves.

I stood in the hall, about to turn around before deciding to knock once again and I heard some noise come from the other side.

"Daddddd, someone keeps knocking at the door! Can I open it?"

The voice was muffled but I could make out the sentence and that it was a kid's voice.

"No." Harry's voice yelled back, still muffled but soon after he was yelling "Just a second" His voice was a bit louder and I could tell he was closer to the door now, his attention shifting to me.

I fidgeted with the rings on my fingers as I heard the deadbolt spin and the rattling of the door handle. The door swung open to Harry who was dressed in Christmas pajamas.

His flannel button-up shirt was dark blue with a pattern on it and as I squinted so I could make out the design of a bunch of small dinosaurs wearing Santa hats and the saying 'Rex The Halls' in a small font all over the top.

I brought my hand up to my face stifling a laugh as Harry looked at me with his mouth slightly parted.

"Lenn- I- we're just-"

I cut him off letting out the laugh that I was trying to hold back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh, this just is not what I was expecting to see" I used my hand moving it in front of me motioning to his outfit. "If this is a bad time, I can come back another time. You know what actually, I'll just go. This was stupid."

"L, you're fine, it's a great time. We're just baking Christmas cookies."

"I don't want to interrupt your time together."

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