chapter 8

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Lennox Monroe

Mason showed up at my classroom Monday morning as I was grading the sketchbooks to pass back to my first class.

He knocked on my door and then came to sit on the edge of my desk asking about my weekend. When I was telling him about how excited I was that I got to see Evie after so long apart, he reached into his back pocket pulling out a tiny Ziploc bag, and dropped it on my desk.

"Hey, I think you left these behind the other night."

I looked down to the top of my desk to see a small collection of my rings sitting in the plastic bag.

"Oh my-" I dropped my head into my hands trying to cover the embarrassment that was running over me right now.

"Calm down, you don't need to be embarrassed. I just wanted to get them back to you before I forgot." He tried to console me before I let any more panic take over.

"Well, thank you." I reached out to grab the rings and slip them onto my fingers.

I had chosen a simple outfit of a cream color top and some dark green dress pants, and the array of gold rings paired well with what I had chosen for today.

I had chosen a simple outfit of a cream color top and some dark green dress pants, and the array of gold rings paired well with what I had chosen for today

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"Lennox, I just wanted to say, I had fun the other night. Like a lot of fun." He winked and let out a laugh before speaking up again. "If you're free again this weekend would you want to do something again?"

"That sounds great! Let me take care of the planning this time unless you already had something in mind?"

"I give you full creative control Miss Monroe." He brought his hand out to signal he was giving me control and then said his goodbyes before walking across the hall to get ready for students to come in.

I finished up grading the last sketchbook and wrote the topics for this week on my whiteboard, pulling the projector screen down so it would be covered and I could hopefully hold the attention of my students long enough to explain before they got started.

I took my last few moments of silence to sit at my desk and take a second to debrief before my students came in, a ritual my former teacher taught and something I need to do more intentionally.

It's relaxing to have time to myself in a space that I love so much.

I spent all of yesterday at Nate and Evie's apartment giving her all the details of this weekend. I was giddy while telling her how much fun I had with Mason and how nice it was to be around Harry again. I could tell she was happy for me but she also seemed apprehensive about all of it.

Evie has been my best friend for years, and we've gotten to the point where we can understand each other without speaking but last night was the first time in forever that I couldn't figure out what she was trying to tell me.

I ended up zoning out for longer than I intended to and my focus was brought back by the sound of kids out in the hallway.

As soon as the bell rang, the usual group started shuffling into the room making their way toward their table groups.

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