He's Doing The Thing Again ~ Kum Junhyeon

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wc: 1.2k 

warnings: angst, but it's so not serious; fluffy fluff 

pronouns: n/a; none used 

summary: junhyeon gets jealous when he sees your bp voting certificate ♡ 

A/N: hi hi hi here's a drama king junhyeon drabble... he's only 5 so i think we can let the behavior slide

"Give me that," Junhyeon says, reaching to take the bottle of ketchup you're struggling with out of your hands.

You pull it back. "I've got it."

He snorts. "You absolutely do not. You're so cute, but your weak little fingers are so useless."

"Okay, rude," you reply with a huff, but you surrender the bottle to Junhyeon anyway. He was right: it was either your pride or ketchup. And you needed ketchup.

Junhyeon screws off the cap with ease, passing it back to you to drown your burger in. But just as you're about to squeeze, a faint alarm starts to sound.

"Is that your phone, babe?" A concerned look crosses Junhyeon's face as he lowers his voice to a whisper. "Do you need to take medicine or something? Are you okay? Did you develop a disease while I was gone and not want to burden me with it?"

You pick up your phone, reading the name of the alarm:


You hold up your phone so Junhyeon can read the name of the alarm from across the table and then hit 'stop'. He grins back at you and takes a sip of his Coke.

"Way more important than any secret disease honestly. You better get on that immediately."

You nod, giggling. "You're right. I'll do it now so I don't forget."

Opening the Mnet app on your phone, you quickly pull up the voting screen and start scrolling through the various contestants. Your boyfriend stands up from his seat and slides into your side of the booth, gently tugging your phone towards him and placing it flat on the table in between both of you.

"What are you doing?" You ask with a laugh, praying your cheeks don't noticeably redden as he snakes his arm around your waist and pulls you in closer to him.

"This is exciting! I haven't been here to watch you vote for me in person. I need to see it with my own eyes," he explains ecstaticly, his leg bouncing up and down a bit with anticipation.

You bite your lip, suppressing a grin at Junhyeon's entirely contagious energy. "Okay, okay. Watch away."

As you resume your scrolling, you can feel the blush you were dreading spread across your cheeks as Junhyeon stares at the side of your face rather than the screen-- playing sweetly with the hem of your shirt. Not so carefully, you finish selecting the three boys you're voting for today and hit confirm, proving that you're not a robot and turning down the volume of your phone when the annoying ad starts to play.

"Yay, all done!" Your announcement reminds Junhyeon to finally turn his attention away from you and towards the phone screen. You feel your body temperature start to return to normal.

"Look at my love voting for--," Junhyeon starts, absolutely beaming with pride. But he soon cuts himself off, his eyebrows furrowing as he picks up your phone and brings it closer to his face to examine it. After a moment, he continues, "...Gunwook."

You look up at him with confusion. "What?"

"Gunwook," he repeats softly.

You observe him now, the pout forming on his lips and the forlorn look in his eyes. "Baby, why are you saying Gunwook?"

"BECAUSE YOU DON'T LOVE ME ANYMORE!" The exclamation is paired with the sudden folding of his arms on the table and his head thumping down atop them. The dramatic display clamors your silverware loudly and you smile nervously at the onlookers in the booth across from you.

"Hyeonni!" You whisper-shout at him, trying to pry him back upright to no avail. "What are you talking about? Of course I still love you!"

He groans loudly, causing the people at the booth across from you to glance over again. You smile and nod apologetically, now resorting to softly but rapidly hitting your boyfriend's back to get him to stop.

"Junhyeon, please! Stop making a scene, baby."

He sits up at that, sinking back into the booth with his arms folded across his chest. "You never let me make a scene," he says, sulking to the nth degree. Mumbling, he adds, "Bet you'd let Wookie make a scene."

You close your eyes and take a deep breath, trying to maintain your composure at your boyfriend who was always willing to demonstrate his dramatic acting chops no matter the location.

When you open your eyes, you reach for your phone to text your friend the phrase you so often texted her: he's doing the thing again.

You're stopped in your tracks, however, when you see your Boys Planet voting certificate still open on your phone screen. Your eyebrows raise as you see the list of trainees you'd chosen while very clearly distracted by your boyfriend's affection. Listed in order of chosen first to last, the certificate reads:

Park Gunwook. Zhang Hao. Kum Junhyeon.

"Oh my god! Hyeonni... I'm really sorry," you relent, turning towards him and meeting his eyes.

He sighs dejectedly. "It's fine, just invite me to the wedding I guess."

You hit him playfully and laugh, latching onto his arm and cuddling up to him in the restaurant booth. "Baby, of course I was going to choose you first. And I always vote Gunwook third. But you completely sabotaged my voting process with your charm. I haven't seen you in awhile-- you should have know I would be more susceptible to it! When you really examine the whole situation, it does seem to be your fault..."

He sits up abruptly, grabbing both of your shoulders and grinning from ear to ear. "So you DO still love me!?"

"Of course I still love you!" You exclaim, reaching up to pull his cute cheeks closer to you so you can kiss each of them.

You could swear you see a light blush color Junhyeon's face as he smiles affectionately back at you. "Waaaaah! I was really my own downfall there. And to think I was considering making a scene..."

You roll your eyes at the crazy person that is your boyfriend.

Junhyeon is visibly swelling with pride as he affirms, "But your boyfriend's irresistible charm kept you from voting him first like you always do."

You laugh nervously. "Um... Exactly, Hyeonni..."

"Let me see the rest of your voting certificates! I want to see one with me listed first," he says, quickly snatching your phone from your hand to open your photos.

"Junhyeon, wait!" You warn, but your effort is futile. You watch as he scrolls through weeks of your voting certificates and, though you know the upsetting data they contain, his smile doesn't fade.

It's somehow even more concerning than watching it fade.

Finally, Junhyeon puts your phone back down on the table. He stares blankly at your dinner plate for a few moments before he quietly and carefully speaks. "So when you said that I messed up your voting order... what you meant is that I kept you from voting Zhang Hao first."

You wince. "I don't vote him first every day! I vote you first more than half of the time, baby-- you saw that! I have a... very specific rotation."

"OH, COME ON!" Junhyeon cries, his whole upper body collapsing back onto the table with a thud.

You pick up your phone and dial a familiar number, hearing it click and not even waiting for a hello to speak:

"Hi. He's doing the thing again..."

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