Chapter Ten

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Oh, what a marvelous day to fall in love.

-Lady Whistledown's Society Papers May 1814


The intensity of their fencing grew, each parry and riposte carried with it a subtext of longing, a silent invitation to explore what lay beyond the confines of decorum. Their movements became infused with an almost palpable tension, a dance of seduction woven into the art of combat, and Edward could not be more pleased.

In the moments when their blades locked, their eyes locked as well, the unspoken desire lingering between them like a secret waiting to be whispered. Though they fought with fervor, there was an unspoken agreement that the prince's true battle lay not in fencing technique but in the heavy pounting at of his heart, caused by the marvelous Viscount and his breathtaking skills he was not allowed to cherish in the way he desired. In his every step layd a growing frustration, a longing that treated to eat him alive.

As their fencing duel reached its climax, and their bodies glistened with a sheen of sweat, they shared a final lingering gaze, Edward hypnotized by the beautiful man that looked at him with such intensity, it made goosebumps run down his spine. Edward couldn't help it, but right this second, he would trade the entire empire for just a single, loving kiss of those pink lips without a moment of hesitation. He sighed heavily, then whitdrawed himself in defeat. Perhaps sacrificing victory would provoke a small gesture of complaisant off of the Viscount, who was still scolding at him out of dark, soulful eyes.

With a touch of reluctance, Prince Edward concluded their exchange, his voice tinged with a mix of admiration and yearning. " Birdgerton, you have proven yourself to be not only a formidable opponent but a captivating companion. Our encounters have left an indelible mark upon me, and I eagerly await our next engagement."

The viscount, a sparkle of mischief in his eyes which surprised the prince rather pleasantly, responded  with a smouldering smile, "Your Highness, I anticipate our future meetings as well. I have to admit, it was quite the amusement."

And with that, their fencing blades were lowered, but their gaze remained connected. "It don't know about you, Bridgerton, but I'm quite hot.Care to accompany me to a brisk walk in the gardens to cool off?"
The Vicount seemed to debate with himself before pointing out, "A walk in the rain does not sound delightful."
The Prince let out a soft laugh as he carelessly threw his foil to the side, not caring about when and by whom it was picked up eventually. "Oh come on, a drizzle doesn't hurt anybody. This is England after all."


As the drizzle caresses the men's faces, Anthony walked alongside Prince Edward, his  heart fluttering strangely like the wings of a startled bird. The Prince's eyes, playful and magnetic, hold his gaze, and the Viscount found himself falling deeper under his enchanting spell. The raindrops cling to the Prince's dark coils, accentuating his already captivating presence and Anthony internally thanked the king for marrying the Queen and creating such beauty,then reminded himself it was a man he was thinking about in such scandalous manner.

Regardless, each step they took the intensity between them grows, stirring a tempest of emotions within Anthony he had only known before from the blossoming love between him and his mistresses.Prince Edward's voice, laced with a seductive undertone, resonates through the air, drawing Anthony closer to the precipice of desire, vibrating in his "Ah, Viscount, this drizzle seems to have a certain magic, doesn't it? Refreshing after such an intense fight. "

Anthony couldn't help but chuckle softly, his eyes mirroring a blend of curiosity and uncertainty. The flickering candlelight casts a gentle glow upon his face, revealing the tangle of emotions that intertwine within him,
"Indeed, Your Highness, it feels as though nature has granted us a moment of quiet enchantment. The rain has a way of awakening our senses."

Suddenly, Prince Edward  took a deliberate step closer, their bodies brushing against each other, sending a surge of electricity through the Viscount's veins. His voice, now a breathless whisper, tugged directly  at the strings of Anthony's heart and the man was unable to pull himself away from the temptation.

"Have you ever danced in the rain, Bridgerton ? Felt the gentle caress of each droplet, as if nature herself beckons you to release all inhibitions?"

Anthony's breath hitches,well aware of the innuendo that layd in those words implying a whole different meaning. Anthony Bridgerton had danced in the rain. He had never danced with a man at all. Perhaps he had always harbored a secret desire for such freedom, but societal expectations had restrained him, he didn't know anymore. He didn't know anything anymore, not with the Prince looking at him with that gaze. It was like the hunt all over again, yet it held even more intensity.

"Your Highness, the thought of dancing in the rain has always seemed too daring, too unconventional for someone of my reserved nature," he politely responded, not confirming nor denying any ideas Edward might have on him.

Prince Edward's voice carried an invitation, a temptation that proved too alluring to resist. With trembling hand, Antony reach out, taking the hand the Prince had offered in true gentleman manner, interlacing my fingers with his, surrendering hinself to the unknown or just a single dance in the rain.
"I shall embrace the unexpected, Your Highness.."

As they step onto the rain-kissed path, the drizzle intensified, wrapping the two gentlemen in a shroud of secrecy. Their movements synchronize, light laughter of the Prince blending with the gentle rhythm of raindrops upon leaves, ringing in the Viscount's ears like the most beautiful music. It felt like a dream, his body moving on his own while his mind was focused on the Prince's face and how softly he smiled at him.

In a moment of vulnerability, that took Anthony by surprise, Prince Edward's touch grazed the Viscount's cheek, igniting a fire within and making hin freeze. Their eyes locked, and the world around then dimmed as the Prince leaned in, his hot breath tingling Anthony's skin before gently lips met his in a featherlight kiss.

Delicate yet filled with unspoken desires, the Viscount didn't dare to kissback while his heart quivered with conflicting emotions. Overwhelmed by the intensity, he withdrawee abruptly, his mind consumed by confusion and fear.

The rain continued to fall, washing away the remnants of that forbidden connection, leaving the Viscount to grapple with the realization of his unnatural feelings and the tumultuous path before him as he run, leaving the Prince and the desire to touch him behind.


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