The past comes back

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And before I knew it I've been vizier for 7 years as I and Potiphar was at the fields as I was carrying our 3rd child as I picked up a poor piece of wheat that was nothing but a twig.

"It's here." Potiphar said as I nodded as he twig broke.

"Just hopefully we've done enough." I informed as he held me as we went back to our sons.

Men in Egypt was bringing bucket from a well but as they dumped it, there was nothing but mud.

The Nile had dried up as boats were present on land and crows were landing on the skeleton of cows.

Men were closing the doors of the wheat storage.


During the day I, Asenath and Potiphar was distributing wheat to the families of Egypt as Potiphar was sat at the table doing the work as me and Asenath was standing with each other. I think Potiphar worried for me.

"Next. How many in your family?" Potiphar asked the woman.

"Five." The woman replied.

"Fine." Potiphar saying as he waved his hand.

"Thank you, my lord." The man dumps the grain in the bag for the woman.

"Next, please." Potiphar said.

"A long life for you, Excellency." The woman told me as I smiled.

"And for you." I replied as I looked to Potiphar.

"Ah, here's a responsible young man. How many in your family?" Potiphar questioned the boy who was with his sister.

"Four, my lord." Menna informed

"Very good." Potiphar replied as he motioned as he saw his wife approaching the two knowing Amy already. She made an excellent mother with their sons.

The man dumps the grain in the bag.

I bend down a little. "Hi there. What's your name?" I asked gently.

"Menna." I caress his head with my hand as I pulled my hand back. "And this is my sister Nyla. I'm looking after her while my parents tend the sheep."

"Are you here for some grain too?" I asked the little girl who looked shy.

I held the grain out to the girl who hid behind her brother and she then quickly took it from my hands as I and Asenath laughed.

"Thank you!" Menna said as he walked away with his sister.

"Bye!" Nyla said as she suddenly dropped her doll as she let go of her brothers hand to pick it up when a man did so for her.

"Here you go." I was taken aback to who I saw as I felt myself shocked not forgetting that voice or looks as I couldn't believe that my brothers who I haven't seen in 20 years is here.

"Who's next?" Potiphar asked.

"We are, my lord." Judah spoke up as I watched feeling shaky.

"You are not Egyptian." Potiphar said suspiciously looking at the man as I stumbled back into the sacks of grain in the shade.

"No, sir. My brothers and I have traveled far, from Canaan." Judah informed as I pant and got out of sight as I held onto something with shock as I took my hat off as I tried to calm.

Asenath came looking worried. "Amy, what's wrong?" Asenath asked concerned seeing her friend like this.

"Nothing." I informed turning to her. Not wanting her to worry.

"Look at you. You're shaking. Maybe I should get Potiphar." Asenath said concerned and knew her uncle would be too.

"It must be the sun. I'll be fine." I said as I didn't need to worry my husband over this.

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