Unexpected surprises

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That very same day I was walking through the halls sneaking around as I saw my friend Asenath. Potiphar has been acting strange which I don't understand. Maybe my friend will help me as she was petting her kitty, I smirked as I placed down a bowl of milk and the cat gets off Asenath's lap and comes into the hall.

"Hey. Kia, come back here. Hmm." Asenath said as she saw the bowl.

I smiled and cleared my throat and Asenath turned to me with a gasp.

"Tzafenat Paneah." Asenath said bowing lightly.

I frowned a little. "Amy." I said to her as she smiled to me as we walked and talked.

"So he's acting strange?" Asenath said to that as we walked.

"Yes, more than his usual self. One minute he's fine the next he's not. He confuses me." I said with a small frown as Asenath smiled.

"What's he been doing?" Asenath asked wanting to know more.

"He won't let me out of his sight, I barely got away to come find you. He's smiling more...and after the ceremony with the pharaoh he gave me a necklace." I informed showing her the simple gold necklace and Asenath smiled.

Asenath knew Amy wasn't into big fancy things and it seems Potiphar knew that. "And this confuses you?" Asenath asked and I nodded. She giggled.

"What?" I asked confused on why she's giggling.

"I think he's looking for you." Asenath said and I looked confused when she pointed and I saw Potiphar approaching. "See you."

"Where are you going?" I said lowly frantically. She just smiled as she went around the corner. "Potiphar, are you looking for someone?" I asked.

"I was looking for you in fact." Potiphar informed and I looked to him.

"Well you've found me." I said to that one as I smiled. "What is it that you need?" I questioned curiously.

"I wondered if you would like to take a horse ride with me this after noon." Potiphar asked and I saw Asenath nodding motioning to go.

"I-I don't know how to ride." I stuttered out embarrassed.

"I'll teach you." Potiphar said as I smiled and nodded. "I'll meet you in the courtyard just before dinner?" He asked and I nodded as he bowed and left.

Asenath came out and I blushed as she looked to me. "What?" I asked to her as she smirked.

"You have a crush." She teased and I blushed red as she teased.

"I do not." I defended and she smirked.

"You so do. Your blushing." She said and I so glared at her as she smirked.

"I am not." I said weakly as she chuckled.

"Come on, we have to get you ready for your date."

"It's not a date!" I said as she laughed and I sighed, she was going to be the death of me with her ways. This was not a date.


I really did not like this luckily Asenath picked something simple or else I wouldn't of showed my face. I hated being overdressed this was not a date. This was a ride between two friends. I thought to myself to try and shake the nerves off. It wasn't helping. Not at all.

And with that I went to meet Potiphar as I was nervous about this. Why all of a sudden change. Asenath said I had been blinded by something but I didn't believe it.

I saw Potiphar by the horses and I had to say they were magnificent. "Are you ready?" He gestured to the horse. One horse.

"Why one horse?" I asked and he smiled.

Amy and the Queen of Dreams Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin