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"What's he even doing here?" Dan asked. "I mean, I just said I want to meet him, but I am not pushing through that crowd."

Tyla said nothing. She simply stared in shock as if she could not believe what she was seeing.

"Hey, Tyla?" He gently tapped her shoulder at which she looked at him.

"Oh, sorry, what?"

"Hey, you're not planning to go through that crowd, are you?"

"Oh no. But, seriously? Does this guy have a thing for roaming around like an owl at night? Especially in this area?"

Dan smiled.

"Yeah, maybe."

"And he wants the whole city to stay awake with him and make a crowd and commotion at night."

"That's…..not what he wants. But, well, perks of being a celebrity…..perks….maybe." Dan obviously dreamt of having such a crowd show up wherever he went.

"You know what, I simply don't understand this guy. Drinks coffee at night, shows up in the cafe at closing time, makes a public appearance late at night."

"Okay, he can do whatever he wants. Why do you care so much?" 

"Yeah, right. If the guy shows up again and again at my quiet time and ruins my whole schedule for the next day, I shouldn't really care much, should I?"

"Ruin your schedule…..what….does he get you to make 15 cups for him?"

"No-nuh. Just one, or two. But the guy's super friendly. He likes to talk."

"Oh, yeah, heard that one about him. Still, he should be careful about the other's schedules." 

Patrick James was smiling and waving at the crowd. As much as he enjoyed his acting, he also enjoyed his stardom. He enjoyed greeting fans and soaking their love. After all, if fame brought pressure and lack of privacy, it also brought the love of the fans, and love was the primary goal of fame. 

Tyla stared at him with amusement as he waved towards the huge crowd in which she was standing at a distance and could hardly see him except for his cheerful waving. She too gave a loud cheer and waved towards him, however, he obviously didn't notice her individual waving.

"What, so he's going to recognize you now…..oh the girl who I met twice and whose name I don't even know but yeah, she poured me good coffee….."

"Well, that sounded awful." She looked at him with a somewhat angry smile.

"Good that you're a guitarist."

He nudged her playfully.

They spent some more time in the crowd after which they both were in a silly mood and decided to go clubbing. They drank, danced, clicked silly pictures and talked crazily.

"You know what, Dan? I like Carla, but not her cattiness. I really like her!" Tyla shouted and laughed.

"I don't. I dw….dwo….I just don't like her!"

"Why??? She's a fine girl! Hey, is it not true that you kissed……..hooked up with her?"

"What?!! No way! I didn't!"

Tyla laughed. 

"You know what she said? She told Alexa and Sarah that you had an erotic dream about her every night for a month but are too embarrassed to admit it!"

"Wh….what?!! What are these dreams that I had no idea about but she does….???? She got a….dr….dream entering machine or what? It's Lena Forster, Carla, not you!" He laughed.

"Leena Forst-who????"

"Lena Forssster. That singer!"

"Damn. Really Dan??? You have erotic dreams about a singer?! Please! That's worse than Carla!"

He came closer to her.

"Come closer, let me tell you something, almost every guy has dreams about a celebrity. They won't tell you but they do."

"Really? Even committed guys?"

"I mean, it's really not a big deal to get attracted to celebrities, is it? You don't have dreams about anyone? Come on Tyla, let it all out now…."

"Dude, ever since I saw Matt again, I have been having dreams about him! But I feel terrible. He's dating my best friend now. And I know he will never see me that way."

"Matt? That guy who came that day? He was your good friend right?"

"Ah, good friend, my best friend, in fact. I thought we'll eventually become something more, you know, like how they show in those movies? But we never did. And that's why I hate Hollywood, for showing a false reality."

"Ah, that's really sad. You need to move on Tyla. Get out there, explore dating apps, you have been single for as long as I have seen you."

"Ah, let's see Dan. I think I need time. It's not like I never dated anyone before, Dan. I did date a guy during undergrad but……you know well…."

"Not a long term thing, eh, sure…."

"Mh-hmm. I guess we both just wanted some fun. I liked him….he was really fun…but I don't think he was good enough for a long term thing."

"You're really opening up tonight. I have never seen you open up as much. You have always been very limited and careful with your words."

"Well, why would I mention the guy I have dreams about and a guy I dated during undergrad out of nowhere?"

"Well, no, opening up doesn't just mean talking about your love life. But, you're just really…..I mean you're pretty shut off most of the time."

"Well, maybe, yeah."

They sat around enjoying the atmosphere for some more time before leaving.

Next day, Tyla woke up completely hungover. She could hear some faint voices of Nancy, shouting at someone but she didn't know who. She could not move and tried to get up but fell on her pillow again. She could make out that a fight was going on. She woke up again after what seemed like an eternity. This time she got up with a faint headache and saw Nancy sitting next to her, completely stressed out, with her head between her hands. She was…….crying? Tyla got out of the bed and embraced her.

"What??? Hey, what's going on??" Tyla was completely taken aback not knowing what to do.

Nancy kept sobbing.

"It's……nothing. I am…..fine." Nancy tried to give a fake smile amidst the tears.

"Really? Lying to me with that red swollen up face? You have been crying for hours. Is it Matt? Did he do something?"


"Okay. Finish up your crying because then you're answering me."

"Tyla…..please. It's just a stupid fight, okay?"

"Fight? Why? Damn, what happened?"

"Tyla, no. It's just a stupid fight over a stupid reason, okay? Leave me alone."

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