Jobe's surprise

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jobe pov:
Tomorrow was Nais birthday, she has no idea but Jude,Jay and I are organizing a surprise party for her.The boys and their girls are all coming plus mum n dad. Mumsy, Tolami, Sasha, Lucia, Leah and Rebecca had told her they were having a girls trip to somewhere hot so she was able to pack,but what she didn't know is that we were all going to be there.I know it's all over the top but we are all flying to the bahamas for her birthday.Nai is always talking about how it would be a dream to all go there so we decided to surprise her and stay there for a couple of days.

Jude,Jad and i were sat around the kitchen table organizing everything for tomorrow.


nais 19💞

guys,the flight's tomorrow at 6!!!!

you couldn't have picked it earlier 😑

jack baby stop complaining we are going on holiday

Sash,are all the girls staying at yours???

yeahh Nai is coming in like half an hour we are all here,she said she was with Denise

wait why is Nai with mum ??

juuude man you live under a rock🤦🏽‍♂️

she is the one that has told nai about the trip

ooooooh thats why dad called me then








allow it man

Anyways,she just texted me,she says she is on her way here.
We meet at the airport tomorrow???

yeah that's the plan,thank uuu everyone


back to nai pov

"Waiiiit so we are going on a GIRLS TRIP ????"denise looked at me with the biggest smile
"yeees nai, you are going to love it"
i tightly hugged her
"thank you thank you thank you"tears of joy were falling down my face .
"ohhh don't cryyy darling"bringing me into a hug, then wiping the tears off my face.
She pulled away and looked back at me
"now gooo,the girls are waiting for you,i will see you tomorrow at the airport"
i nodded at her wiping the rest of my tears.
Just as i was in the door i yelled goodbye to mark as i knew he was around the house but not quite sure where.
" byee markkk thank uuu for having me"
"bye lovely you are welcome to come here whenever you want".

I got in my car and drove to Sash's house.When i got there Tolami had gotten us all matching pj's, we had a girl movies night and went to sleep.

26 june- i day till Nai's 19

We all woke up, got our suitcases and headed to the airport.Denise was going to meet us there so it was Sash,Tami,Lucia,Rebecca and Leah.
Jobe had just called me to wish me a safe flight, gosh i can't believe i'm going to miss my first birthday by his side.

When we got there, we met up with Denise and  headed to our flight,i still didn't know where we were heading at,the girls had the tickets and wouldn't tell me.
We were extremely late so we were running all around the airport, of course a misshap was bound to happen.
Wegot to board just in time, the plane however was really empty, like no one was there.
Just as we got inside the plane i could hear Jude.....wait what ? .

"jude stop screaming man they are right outside you dumb fuck"
yep that was definitely jobe
"what are you on about they can't even hear us"

i giggled and all the girls either rolled their eyes or slapped their forehead in exasperation.
"JUUUUUUDEEEEEEEEEE" i went inside running with my suitcase
"welp they in fact could hear me"
all the boys looked at him, not surprised about the fact that he had just ruined the whole surprise,Jobe slapping the back of his head.

I started crying tears of joy stood there in disbelief at the middle of the plane hall.
Jobe stood up from where he was sat and wrapped his arms around me, i was at home safe again.
I placed my arms around his neck, got on mi tippytoes and pecked his lips.
"Did you plan this?"
He looked down at me and smiled,making his dimples show,god he is perfect.
"yes, but i had help from everyone in this plane"

i let go of jobe and looked around
"so you all knew?"
everyone nodded
i looked back at jobe
"i love you"
he smiled back
"I love you more".

i launched myself over jude and jadon
"thank you, you 2,i love you both"
placing a kiss on both of their foreheads,
I then cuddled up with jobe for the rest of the flight,both falling asleep.

the following chapters are going to be my fave,hope you are all okayy 😽😽

Mine and mine only -jobe bellingham Where stories live. Discover now