dive in the past

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Life had always been pretty normal,I lived with my parents and my 2 older brothers,they were way older than me which made us be slightly distant .

About 2 years ago, they moved out and left the country,I guess in a way it affected me.My dad was barely home, he travelled a lot due to work, mum didn't work tho, she was always home.

Mum was my whole world, we used to do everything together,I would arrive from school and tell her all about it, she gave me advice on everything.Mother was the smartest person i knew.There was something about her that made her so special, she always had the biggest smile on her face, it didn't matter how much of a difficult situation she was put through, she always carried that smile.

Mother was family orientated, she loved her parents and siblings a lot, we would go visit them whenever we could.I had lots of cousins and aunties but my favorite ones were the sanchos.

Yeah jadon malik sancho was my cousin.I am forever grateful to have someone like him close.Ever since I was born ,jadon had looked after me,seeing him succeed in what he has mildly worked for makes me truly happy. I also played footy, Jadon made me love it, we used to go to the park with our ball and played around until it was dark.

We were always together, I guess the age difference for us wasn't a problem.I was closer to jadon than I was to my own brothers.When he went pro I was and still am his biggest fan, I go to all his games ,always there to support him.

He does the same to me, I play for chelseas academy and jadon is always there, all my games and all my trainings.

When mother died ,Jadon took hold of me.I was left alone,fathers never home and my siblings left.I now live with jadon.

Living with him is very fun, he always has people over and quite frankly the house is what every kid has ever dreamed of.Theres a giant football pitch, an inside pool a cinema room and so many other cool things.

I'm 17 so i still go to school, it's my last year tho.Schools fun, I like it, I have a bunch of friends and I sort of like my teachers.But what makes me excited to go is a boy i've been madly in love ever since we met which indeed became my best friend.Jobe bellingham.

I met jobe ages ago,we've been in the same class ever since we were little.Its a funny story because jobe n I used to not like each other, we both can't really remember why,we just did, I guess that will forever stay as a mystery.

We started getting close because Jadon and Jobes brother Jude were great friends.The four of us used to hang around playing footy after school.

Jobe and I found out we actually could stand one another and that time spent in each other's presence was comforting.The four of us became inseparable really.

If I remember correctly ,I've always felt something for jobe.The guys say I make my feelings look obvious, I guess that love really can't be hidden.

Jude,Jadon, Jobe and I are the closest but we are great friends with the rest of the england team as well as with the sidemen and Beta squad.

Jude and Jobe live with their parents but they stay most of the time at Jadon and I's.Denise and Mark are the sweetest, i've known them for so long,mum and denise where very close as I spent my whole time with Jude and Jobe.

Ever since mother left, denise has made me feel the most comforted,she has become my second mother,I know that whenever Im in of need girl advice I can go to her.She reminds me a lot to my mother,both are little angels dropped from heaven.

Mine and mine only -jobe bellingham Where stories live. Discover now