Chapter 15 ~ keeping mum ~

Start from the beginning

"but still, she's going to be my mother in law so it's only right you let me meet her" he said winking before pulling Thana down the corridor to the exit.

"mother in law? what the hell" Thana said.

They walked back to their cars and when Thana noticed that Nate was in a different car he asked why?

"I couldn't get mine to start so I borrowed Bar's, no biggy" Nate replied.

"really? you really are a devious bastard aren't you Nate" Thana said.

"I can be when I want something bad enough" Nate replied looking directly into Thana's eyes before leaning over and pecking him on his lips.

Thana looked around quickly to make sure no one had seen then thumped Nate in his arm,

"ouch, a dead arm, I didn't know you could be so violent dear, it's a good job I love you so much" Nate said.

"Nate, stop it" Thana admonished him.

"no, come on, follow me in your car, I know a great place around here where we can get some cake and coffee" Nate replied.


It was early evening when they got back to the circus grounds. Nate returned the car back to Bar's home after filling it up with gas and he walked back across to his own home. Thana was already inside cooking dinner for the both of them.

Nate walked over to him and put his arms around Thana's waist giving him a back hug. 

"Nate, please" Thana said.

"when are you going to admit you like me?" Nate asked.

"you know how I feel about you Nate but I already told you I don't have time for a relationship" Thana repeated himself.

"rubbish, your just running scared" Nate said.

"I'm still angry with you for following me, promise me you won't do it again" Thana asked.

"I promise I will never follow you again unless I think you're keeping secrets from me" Nate said.

"that's a half assed promise if I ever heard one" Thana replied.

"it's all your getting honey" Nate said stepping back and patting Thana on the behind.

They both sat down to eat, Thana really was an excellent cook, he put Nate to shame.

"is there anything you can't do Thana?"

"I worked in a restaurant for a while and I learnt a few culinary tricks from the chefs there" Thana replied.

"one day you'll have to tell me about all the different jobs you've done" Nate asked genuinely interested.

It was a novelty for Thana because he'd never had anyone to come home to or ask him about his day or discuss every day issues that might occur. Thana was really fond of Nate, he had been telling the truth when he said that he couldn't stop thinking about that thing they had done.

He began to wonder if he should just trust Nate and and accept his feelings for him. Before standing to clear away the dishes, Thana turned in his chair to face him.

"thank you for being with me today" he said. 

"thank you for allowing me to stay" Nate replied.

"I'm right beside you if ever you need to talk Thana, about anything" Nate said.

"thank you Nate, I'll keep that in mind" then he got up to clear away the dishes and Nate helped. 

They both washed up in companionable silence then Thana headed to the shower. Nate went in afterwards and they both climbed in to bed.

Nate wrapped his arms around Thana who was getting quite used to being held by now so he didn't complain. They lay close to one another for a while before Nate felt himself getting hard.

"I want you so much Thana" he said gently thrusting against his hips and scattering little kisses across his neck and shoulders.

"I want you too Nate but I'm afraid" Thana replied.

"that thing we did, did you really enjoy it?" Nate asked again.

Thana turned and pushed his face into Nate's chest to hide his embarrassment then nodded.

"I need to hear the words Thana" Nate prompted

"yes" he whispered.

"then, will you trust me, I promise  won't hurt you, I will make you feel so good" Nate spoke gently into Thana's hair.

again Thana nodded,

"I need words baby"

"yesssss" he hissed ever so softly and Nate cupped his chin and lifted his face.

He looked into Thana's eyes then down to his lips and as he bent to capture them in a long searing kiss he whispered,

"I love you"


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