I went to my dresser to get my weed and rellos getting ready to roll up

"What's your real name"


"Mm that's pretty"

"Thanks, wby"

"Don't laugh at my name I like it but some people think it's a lil girly you laugh and we fine have to fight"

"Boy you can't beat my ass"

I laughed changing my song to HYFR by Drake ft Lil Wayne

"If you think so buts it Reign"

"Awe that's actually pretty"


I just lit my blunt up and started smoking and he took one and lit his up to and we started rapping to the music

"Yailah wassup with you why you always in the house"

"One don't call me that we ain't that close and cause I just am what is this 21 questions I liked it better when you were silent"

He chuckled

"I mean why not I rather know the person ima be smoking with"

"This not an all-time thing"

"So tell me smoking me with me in silence is something you don't like I'll get up right now"

"You know what it's nice and all but right now you're very talkative so it's not so nice"

"I'm just tryna get to know you 5 questions each then and I'll shut up"


"Aht aht you gotta answer my question first"

"Ight I just prefer to stay in the house im a painter clearly that's why you see all the canvas and paint everywhere"

"Ok ok"

"How old are you"

"21 wby"

"19 I turn 20 next month"

"Oh shit you a baby what are you doing for your birthday"

"Not too much and nothing getting drunk and high alone"

"Why alone"

"That's how I like it you got one more question don't waste it on asking something stupid"

He chuckled

"Watch a movie with me and I'm not asking"


"Cause I wanna watch a movie on your big ass tv that's always off when I come in here"

"Cause it's on when you're not here what do you wanna watch"

I asked putting my weed up

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