"Never mind that..I'll get going to school later anyways. Thanks for the meds" even though I have no idea what the fuck they are for.

"No shit sherlock you aint going nowhere" Someone said entering my room joining in on the scene, somehow lightly taller in a plain black shirt came Jonathan with an un amused look.


"Did you give him his medicine?" Jonathan asked causing Cristopher to roll his eyes.

"Yeah yeah I did. But it seems, this bitch doesn't even remember what happened to him" he chuckled.

"Language Cristopher" Jonathan glared while Cris remained chuckling completely amused by my dilemma.

This bitch.

"You're on rest day for three days. Finn already contacted your school, your excused for the time being" Jonathan said with his hands crossed.

If only they knew I'm already excused from school for the entire year. Thanks to Master Spade of course.

"Thanks..?" I said skeptical causing Jonathan's eyebrows to furrow.

"Wait...you seriously don't remember anything?" He asked causing me to slowly shook my head.

"Dude..you passed out for two days due to who knows what shit" Cristopher said snickering causing Jonathan to elbow him on the side.



"Yes what he said is true, the doctor said-"

"Yeah no thanks I'm good..I-I have uhm..an exam that I need to study for with Liam and Dave-"

"Hep hep hold it right fucking there. You aint going nowhere" another voice boomed the scene revealing non other than Killian with a bowl of soup and an un amused face.

Heaven knows just how confused I am right now.

"Wait wait wait let me get this fucking straight. I've been asleep for two days. That means today is friday." I said causing the three to look at me skeptical.

"Yeah and?"

"It means two of you have school" I said pointing at Jonathan and Killian accusingly.

"And you still have a new semester" I pointed at Cristopher whom for the first time ever smiled at me, amused.

"What's your point?" Killian asked causing me to hold my nose bridge in frustration.

"If the three of you have school. Then what the fuck are you all doing here?" I deadpanned causing the three of them to freeze.

"I don't know about them but Finn said I needed to look after you" Killian defended causing Cristopher to click his tongue in annoyance.

"I didn't wanna go to school today. Looking after you was a great excuse"Cristopher shrugged causing all of us now to look at Jonathan for an answer.

"I-I..uhm, just wanted to make sure these two didn't fuck up" Jonathan said in a matter of fact tone.

I couldn't help but chuckle at this confusing dilemma.

Is it okay for me to be delusional just once and think that..

These people whom I call brothers actually are starting to care?

"Well whatever reason it may be " I laughed while laying on the bed mindlessly.

Maybe it's the effect of the pills?

"Thank you" I said leaving the room in a defining silence.

Well..this is awkward.

_____CHANGE POVS_____

( Jonathan's POV)

"Thank you"

For some reason. That mere word, makes me want him to just be sick forever so I could take care of him longger.

Wait what the fuck am I saying?

None of the three of us said anything, all pre occupied in our own thoughts.
But mine, was revolving around him alone.

I..wanna take care of him.

For the rest of my life.

"Bullshit" the words came out of my mouth without permission causing me to slap it quickly.

Dag nab it.

_____CHANGE POVS_____

( Killian's POV)

"Thank you"

He looks fascinating when bed ridden.

I had made his meal since the last two days in hopes that he finally wakes up. I thought I was just wasting my time when every hour passed and the bowl of soup was still full beside his table.

Yet somehow, that thank you made me think that it was all worth it.

"Bullshit" Jonathan said causing me to snap back to my senses.

What's wrong with you Killian?

_____CHANGE POVS____

( Cristopher's POV)

"Thank you"

I had a test today.

An exam for my next semester.

Yet I wanted to see this bitch suffer. He got sick for being dumb enough to go out everyday without an umbrella.

He skipped school so he simply got the consequences of his action.

Yet.. he said thank you sincerely, without hesitation. Quickly concluding that we took care of him.

How naiive.

"Bullshit" Jonathan said causing me to snort.

See? Even my brother thinks so

Thanks for reading!

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