Teacher: Go ahead.

She responded annoyed.

Y/N: Thanks.

I said as I stood up and left the classroom with my backpack.

Teacher: Hey! Why are you taking your backpack with you?

I just pretended I didn't hear that and walked away.

Once I left the school building, I walked over to the backyard of the school where Reggie was already waiting for me.

Y/N: Already here, huh? Weren't even five minutes.

Reggie: Weren't even three.

He corrected me as we bro-fisted each other.

Y/N: So, you got them with you?

Reggie: Yeah, let's take a walk to the field. I have something to tell you.

Y/N: I have time.

Reggie: How did you get out of class?

Y/N: Like I said, I told them I have to use the restroom.

Reggie: It's gonna be a long one.

He laughed.

Y/N: They're used to it.

Reggie: Anyways. Like I said, the Flash brought some friends with him.

Y/N: How many?

Reggie: Three. That makes four of them.

Y/N: Seven against four should be a cakewalk, right?

Reggie: All of them are Meta beings. Their goal is to destroy the Seven and stop the production of Compound V.

Y/N: Someone sent them to do all that?

Reggie: Yeah, it's highly possible the Justice League is behind that.

Y/N: They sent in four people to defeat seven Supes and take down a huge company?

Reggie: That's right. Which means, they're either overconfident or they're just that good.

Y/N: And what do you think? Which one is it?

Reggie: Probably a combination of both.

Y/N: You think we can beat them?

Reggie: Us two against all four of them? Probably not. But if the rest of the Seven would help us, things will be quite different.

Y/N: Will they though?

Reggie: Probably not.

Y/N: Why?

Reggie: They don't see them as a threat. As long as they don't attack the Seven, the Seven won't do shit.

Y/N: So, we're alone against them?

In A Rush | Mary Jane Watson X Male Reader حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن