Chapter 14 ~ the next step ~

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Nate made his way over to the practice tent to find Thana working out on his silks. He put his bag down and watched Thana for a while, he really was talented. Nate couldn't comprehend everything he had learned about Thana's past. 

In the beginning, regardless of the instant attraction he had felt towards Thana it had been about digging up some dirt on the guy, perhaps he'd been a bit envious?,  later when he'd realized he wanted to sleep with the guy it had been about satiating the desire he was feeling.

Somewhere along the way, his feelings had shifted to love and he had to admit, a little bit of obsession. Thana had proved that he was a responsible provider and care taker even if he was killing himself in the process. From now on, Nate intended to keep Thana by his side and take care of him.

He shouted to Thana and waved and Thana let got of one of the silks and waved back, the muscles in his upper arms flexing as he took his weight. Soon, Thana came tumbling down the silks to the ground, it really was a sight to behold when he did that. Nate walked over to him and told him to take a break while he warmed up a bit.

They only had another week before the season began and practices were going well. Nate wanted them to use a net and Thana was happy to go along with that plan. There were many artists who would argue that a net made them look weak, that the act was more thrilling for the audience without a net but for Nate it was always safety first.

They spent a while practicing their routine and decided to stop for lunch, it was during lunch that Thana received a telephone call. He stood up and excused himself to take the call. Nate was all ears but he couldn't quite make out the subject matter.

Thana told him he had to take the afternoon off, there was somewhere he had to go so Nate decided to follow him. He knew Thana would be pissed at him but it was the only way he could think of to be there for him. He would only be pissed for a while and then they could move on, he hoped.

They both walked back to the mobile home and Thana went to shower. Nate knew he didn't have time to shower so he had a quick strip wash in the kitchen, changed into jeans, tee and a tan coloured over shirt and then left and ran quickly to Bar's home.

"My car won't start Bar, can I borrow yours, I need to nip out" Nate lied to bar.

"sure, I don't need it today anyway" Bar replied.

He leaned in taking his car keys from a dish beside the door and handed them to Nate,

"just feed her a little juice and we'll call it even" Bar said.

"will do Bar, thanks mate" Nate said before dashing off

He drove to the entrance of the grounds where he pulled up behind some foliage and waited for Thana to appear.

Thana finished his shower and changed into casual jeans and a shirt. He had received a call from the facility where they asked him to come as soon as possible. he was so worried, they wouldn't tell him what the problem was which made it even worse.

He went out and looked for Nate but he had disappeared so he just went to his car and set off. Nate saw Thana leave the grounds and slowly began to follow him leaving some distance between them, hopefully Thana wouldn't recognize him behind the wheel.

The pair drove for almost an hour before Nate saw him turn left and pull up in front of a large double gate, it looked like he was talking into an intercom. Soon the gates opened and Thana drove through. Nate decided he would have to wing it so after a few moments he drove to the same place where Thana had been.

He opened his window and pressed the button of the intercom and a woman's voice asked him how she could help?

"hello yes, I'm here with Mr Sibyasakun, he should have already arrived?"

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