Chapter 8

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The next day Miyoung wakes up early once again, but this time she has a bit more time before she has to go get styled, so she makes her way to the cafeteria to have a nice breakfast.

While she's waiting for the elevator someone joins her. "Good morning sunbaenim" Gunwook greets her. Miyoung returns the greeting and smiles at him.

As they get in the elevator she asks if he's also going to go get breakfast and Gunwook replies with a nod. "I'm surprised you're up so early" she says as Gunwook looks fully prepared to start the day.

"I'm used to getting up early, also I wanted to get some extra practice in before we officially start for the day." Gunwook replies. They arrive at the level where the cafeteria is and they both walk to it and chat along the way. Once they both grabbed their breakfast Gunwook motions for her to sit where he's sitting.

"Would you like to sit with me sunbaenim?" He asks and Miyoung nods as she says "You can call me noona if you'd like". She sits across from him and Gunwook nods in understanding.

"How are you feeling so far?" Miyoung asks as they start eating their breakfast. Gunwook proceeds to explain how he feels frustrated that he was falling behind and he wants to put his all in practicing so that he can receive all stars in their first mission.

Miyoung listens as he vents out his frustrations and feels glad that he's comfortable enough to tell her all of this. Gunwook also feels glad that he has someone to rely on and that it happens to be Park Miyoung, someone who he has looked up to for a while. When he's done Miyoung let's him know that she admires how hard working he is and that she's there to help him with whatever he needs. Gunwook thanks her and they both finish up their meals in a comfortable silence.

Once they're done they exit the cafeteria and say goodbye before going their separate ways. "I'll see you later Gunwook" Miyoung says as she waves to him.

"Bye noona" Gunwook replies as he makes his way to the three star practice room. Miyoung makes her way to her dressing room and sees that she's actually there earlier than the stylists today. She pulls out her phone and scrolls through twitter while waiting. After the stylists get there and get her ready for the day she makes her way to talk to the show producers.

They inform her that today she'll be evaluating the three stars and after that she can make her way through the other star levels and just help out where needed

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

They inform her that today she'll be evaluating the three stars and after that she can make her way through the other star levels and just help out where needed.

After discussing a bit more with the producers she makes her way to the room where all the three star trainees are at.

"Good morning everyone, are you ready to get started" she says as she enters the room with a happy attitude to help get the trainees in the mood.
The trainees cheer in excitement as they see Miyoung is the mentor they get for today.

"Alright, so you guys need to get all star, right?" She asks as she looks around the room at all the trainees. They nod and look at her with hope and determination in their eyes. She smiles at this and continues by saying "Well, I know you guys can do it most of you are already there and just need a little extra push, and I'm going to dedicate my time today into getting you that extra star you guys deserve."

Here I am | Boys PlanetTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang