His gaze shifted from the table in front of him to us. "What're ya buying?" he asked, pulling one side of his coat to reveal all sorts of weapons and extra pieces.

I smiled at him, picking out a Beretta 92F pistol, a TMP, and a few gun holsters I could strap around my shoulders and leg. He extended his hand to me, waving his bony fingers, indicating he wanted payment.

I opened my mouth to say something but stopped myself. I had no money to buy weapons. My hand slowly moved to the diamond necklace my mother had given me that hung around my neck. I squeezed it before pulling it off my neck so I could pay the merchant. Dropping it into the merchant's hand, I quickly turned away from him so that I wouldn't have to see him tear the beautiful necklace apart.

My eyes connect with Leon's blue ones. His eyebrows were slightly scrunched up with a small frown on his face. I just looked at him before moving beside Ashley.

"Did you just sell your mother's necklace?" she asked, a frown plastered on her face at my decision.

I smiled sadly, giving her a small nod. "If it means we both get out of here alive, yeah. I did what I had to do." Moving away, I clipped on each holster around my shoulders and my right leg.

She sighed, before turning to Leon. "We should get going." She told him, hooking her arm around mine.

He just nodded not saying anything. I watched him give me another glance before turning around.

We moved away from the table, continuing on our path. A large gate stood tall, blocking us from entering from the other side. A white piece of paper was nailed to one of the doors. Tearing it off, I looked down at the paper.

This is a direct order from Lord Saddler himself.

Convert the area beyond this point into a defensive position, so that no intruders may pass.

I am willing to make any and all sacrifices for the sake of the righteous faith.

My devout believers, build me an impregnable fortress. And make sure any heathen foolish enough to trespass pays for their wicked sins in blood.

My nose scrunched at the name written on the parchment. Who is Lord Saddler? I crumpled the paper into a small ball before tossing it to the side. Rather than waiting for Leon or Ashley, I placed my hand on one of the doors. The door was heavier than I thought. Using all of my weight, I pushed the door open enough for us to slip through. Sucking in my gut, I wiggled my way through the small opening I had created.

Wooden walls placed in odd ways stood high making it hard to see over to the other side. I let out a low whistle at the sight in front of me. A fortress indeed.

I could hear villagers yelling at each other further in the wooden maze. Grimacing a took a small step forward, taking out my gun wishing that this would be over already.

"We've got company," Leon said from behind me.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah no shit Sherlock."

"Keep moving, but quietly. Got it?" he asked, ignoring my sarcastic remark.

"OK. I'll... I'll try..." Ashley said, smacking my arm at my sudden rudeness.

My heart still burned in sadness at having to sell that last thing left of my mother just so I had something to protect myself against whatever these things were.

Pressing my body on the thick wood, I concealed myself from the oncoming villager, hoping to get the advantage and take him down. Once I could hear him getting closer, Imoved to wrap my arm around his neck while placing the tip of my gun underneath his chin.

Black Swan ~ LEON KENNEDYWhere stories live. Discover now