Just figuring things out

Start from the beginning

Giyuu quickly stood up his face bright red and looking away from, Sabito.

"Are we going down to the lake after breakfast mother?" Lumi asked.

"If you guys would like, now someone go get your father" Yuka responded

"I will!"

"Um so what do you wanna do if we go down to the lake?" Sabito asked Giyuu as Minoko walked past them and two the left door at the top of the stairs.

"I don't know" Giyuu mumbled.

"Paddle boared?" Sabito asked

"Sure" Giyuu responded with a smile. "Fucking adorable" Sabito thought.

It was later in the night and everyone was sitting around a campfire.

"Sabito" Riku said coming over to Sabito and Giyuu who were trying and failing to get Howie to come out of the tree. Riku looked up confused.

"How did the dog get up that high in a tree?" She asked.

"Does it look like I know?" Sabito responded

"Okay um anyway, do you and Giyuu wanna sleep in the tent with me?" Riku asked.

"Sure" Sabito responded.

"Yay!" Riku exclaimed, running off to go tell her mother.

After everyone got ready for bed, Riku, Giyuu and Sabito went down to the tent which was on a ledge that over looked the lake.

Sabito closed the tent.

"Night night gays" Riku said laying her head down

"What" Giyuu said tuning to her

"I'm sorry" Sabito said also turning to her his face having a pink hue

"I said night night guys" Riku responded in a confused tone.

"O-Oh" Sabito stuttered. Laying his down next between Riku and Giyuu.

Sabito woke up. He sat up and saw that Giyuu was also awake staring at hin.

"Why hello little boy" Sabito said with a funky British accent. Giyuu laughed.

"Hello" he responded. Then something banged against the side of the tent and Giyuu jumped back, unknowingly into Sabitos arms.


"It's just Howie, she does this every night" Sabito whispered

"O-Oh" Giyuu stuttered. Giyuu looked up at Sabito and Sabito stared at him for a second.

Giyuu sat up straight to be on just about eyes level with Sabito and turning to face him, Sabitos hands fell around Giyuu waist.

They stared at each other for a moment longer. Sabito leaned closer to Giyuu's face. Giyuu pressed their lips together. It was gentle and sweet but felt so magical. Sabito pulled Giyuu closer to him. The two separated but only for a moment to catch their breath before leaning back into each other, continuing to kiss and embrace each other.

Meanwhile Riku woke up and opened her eyes to see Sabito and Giyuu kissing

"I knew it" she whispered reaching over and grabbing Sabitos phone. She tuned the volume down and the flash off and took a picture, then she went into his contacts. She found the 'Zack Foster simps' group chat.

In this group chat was Sabito, Giyuu, Kokosume, Mitsuri, Obanai and Makomo.


This is Riku by the way

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This is Riku by the way

MitsuMochi- OH MY GODDD


Sabihoe- You guys swear a lot

FlowerOmo- Awwwww!

Sabihoe- I'm surprised that you guys are up right now, like I know Kokosume is usually up at 3 am but you guys

EmoSimpSume- Yup, I have a terrible sleep schedule hun

MitsuMochi- Yeah, we're having a sleepover!

ObaSimp- Why are you guys texting at this time?


ObaSimp- Damn

FlowerOmo- It's so cute!

Sabihoe- I'm going back to bed

Riku put Sabito's phone back. And drifted back off to sleep.

Meanwhile Sabito and Giyuu went back to sleep in each others a bit later on.

(Word count 1071, I hope you enjoyed reading, :], and, I'm going to workmon the argument part two since a part two was requested)

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