None down, Eighteen to go part 2

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Don narrating: Last time on the Ridonculous Race, 18 teams started a race around the world. After running, waiting and even more running, confronting fears and pushing themselves farther than I thought possible, everyone reached the airport and booked themselves on three different flights to Morocco. Flight number one and with seven teams aboard has already departed. The next seven teams are on flight two, which is about to take off. Meanwhile, the LARPers, Goths, Adversity Twins, (y/n) and Tyler, Stepbrothers and Tennis Rivals flight will not be departing for another hour. Will one of these teams suffer the ultimate reality show humiliation and kicked off first? Time to find out! This is, the Ridonculous Race!

Don: 12 teams are on their way to Morocco, 6 are still waiting at the airport waiting anxiously.

Mickey: Hand sanitizer?

He holds up a bottle of sanitizer

Jay: No need, I made a point of not touching anything.

He holds up a juice box, his hand is covered by an oven mitt

Jay: Juice?

Leonard and Tammy pop up behind the couch causing them to scream

Leonard: Greetings gentlemen! What say you to an amalgamation of adversaries? A weaving of wizards and doppelgangers to rule them all!

Tammy throws confetti into the air

Jay: Dah! I'm allergic to confetti!

He runs off

Mickey: Jay! Your calibylotion!

He follows him

Chet is on the phone, his voice gets higher as he whines, a muffled yet squeaky voice is heard over the phone

Chet:  Your plan won't work, mom! We're not gonna become friends! Because Lorenzo's a poohead, that's why! Can't you just divorce his dad?!

Lorenzo: Is that my dad?!

Chet: No, my mom!

Lorenzo takes the phone from him


Chet snatches the phone back

Chet: Quit it!

The two grapple for the phone, grunting and calling DAD or MOM

Leonard and Tammy walk up to the goths.

Leonard: Salutation! We wish to propose an unstoppable forming of alchemy and alabaster, to vanquish those who dare to cross us!

Tammy throws confetti again

Leonard: Surely you shall not say neigh!

the Goths just groan and leave, Tammy throws more confetti 

Leonard: Come on Tammy, go easy on that; we only got the one bag!

Tammy throws even more confetti gleefully

Leonard confessional: Tammy and I first met in ninth grade, and we immediately became close.

Tammy confessional: We were stuffed into the same locker.

Leonard confessional: And the friendship was forged as we calmly ate our lunches while the janitor located the bolt cutters!

Cut to the Moroccan flag, pictures are displayed one after another as Don talks.

Don: Morocco, originally named Italy until it was discovered that there already WAS an Italy. Home to scorchingly hot foods, as well as scorchingly hot deserts! Flight number one has just landed, now teams must find the Don Box and collect their next travel tips.

the teams run out, Jacques hits the button and gets the tip

Jacques: The spice is right *gasps happily* IT'S AN ALL-IN!

Cut to Don, he is next to a spice stand, a local is running the stand. Meet YUSIF.

Don: An All-In requires that both team members take part in the challenge. In this case, teams must make their way to Yusif's Spice Kiosk and pick five spices from the bountiful array. 

Ridonculous race x male readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant