I messed up

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(Takes place after previous bit)
"Look im sorry timekeeper" narrator looked at the former protagonist, who was looking away from him. Then he... glitched?? He was suddenly facing him again with a menacing stare.
"If you where sorry you would have stopped after one protagonist" he snapped, his voice was glitching now too, seemingly due to strong emotions "you would have ended it and hoped it'd free your first one!"
"I couldn't just let my story end!" Narrator said "especially sense I had added so much more once you left"
"I didn't leave!" Timekeepers voice glitched more "I became some random glitch in the code due to your fuck up!"
[Calm down both of you!!] Stanley signed stepping between the two.
"Stay OUT of this Stanley!" Timekeeper glared at him "this is between me and the narrator"
"I have to agree with the glitch" narrator said the last word harshly
"Oh sure call me a glitch" timekeeper said, aggressively "I wouldn't be one if it wasn't for you!"
That took timekeeper off guard. He was blushing.  His blush was another thing that felt inhuman, being a dark purple. If narrator didn't know who he was he would not have believed they had ever been human. Just a god who used a human like appearance like narrator was. "I find that hard to believe" he said, still blushing
"I do love you damn it" narrator said before running up to the other god and hugging them. "You where my first protagonist. I cared about you and was devastated when you disappeared. You taught me so much about being a story writer and teller"
Timekeeper was in shock from the sudden hug. "God damn it you make it hard to hate you" they sounded joking and finally hugged narrator back.

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