Demon au continued,

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Please read the one before this to understand it better💔💔
This is a continued part of the demon au ofc
Story by me and Mia 💕
Kanao slander 😼😼
Muichiro was standing in front of the lowermoons, tanjiro was busy with something else so muichiro was asked to run the lowermoon meeting. At first nobody took him seriously until he almost killed one of the random ones. After a while he ended the meeting but kanao tried to use her blood demon art on muichiro but she got a few mist clouds to the face. Muichiro went to tanjiro and hugged him as he cheerfully told him how he made the lowermoons terrified and how he loved the scared looks. Tanjiro smiled as he listened to his cheery boyfriend,
       Later (sorry for timeskip)
Tanjiro was in the middle of a meeting with lowermoons, (been like a few years or something?) and muichiro came over and hugged tanjiros arm. Tanjiros attention went to muichiro, "what's wrong love?" muichiro looked up at tanjiro "I just got lonely" muichiro frowned. Tanjiro held muichiro with one arm as muichiro hugged his torso. "I have a meeting to finish. Do you want to stay here and wait?" muichiro nodded "I guesss.. Just finish quickly okay?" tanjiro smiled at him and kissed his forehead "whatever makes you happy my love," tanjiro went back to the meeting. Muichiro was clinging into him for a while. Tanjiro looked all serious but muichiro looked nice and calm. After a few minutes muichiro kissed tanjiros cheek and went and sat in front of nezuko and made mist clouds in different shapes and the two messed around with them. At one point muichiro made little mist figures and nezuko made little pink fire figures and made them fight the other figures. They were laughing as they did it but not loud enough to disturb tanjiro much. Tanjiro was trying to stay serious but it was hard because of them. After a while muichiro figure lost and he whined to tanjiro about it. Tanjiros attention went to muichiro in the blink of a eye. Tanjiro was holding muichiros face with his hands and wiping his tears "mui it's okay.." tanjiro looked at muichiro as he whined to him "NO IT'S NOTTTTTTTT" nezuko was trying not to laugh but failed as she started giggling. "SHE KILLED MY FIGUREEE! IT WAS SO CUTE TOOO!!! NOW SHE'S LAUGHING ABOUT IT" tanjiro kissed muichiro on the forehead in attempt to calm him down "how about you take a break love?" muichiro calmed down a little from the kiss" but.. " tanjiro patted muichiros head" just take a break its okay" muichiro nodded and frowned then flipped nezuko off as she laughed mui huffed and sat down beside tanjiro as tanjiro was standing and continued the meeting. He was almost done and muichiro started making cats out of the mist. At one point he made a sleeping cat and put it on tanjiro. Muichiro started playing this game where he makes things out of mist and puts them on tanjiro and sees how long It takes before tanjiro notices. After a few minutes tanjiro noticed and looked at muichiro confused and nezuko was holding back laughter. Even some lowermoons were holding back laughter...kanao on the other hand looked like she was going to snap. Tanjiro turned his head to kanao and glared as he heard a thought from kanao. Muichiro noticed this and turned his head and glared at kanao as well. The mist disappeared as the two glared tanjiro spoke up after a second "what was that kanao?" kanao looked at tanjiro with fear and spoke "uh nothing!!" muichiro stared and smiled as he spoke in a cheery voice "that makes four kanao!" kanao looked at muichiro in horror. She had realized she messed up badly. Tanjiro looked at muichiro confused and raised a eyebrow "what do you mean mui?" muichiro looked at tanjiro and smiled "ohh nothing love! Don't worry about it..." muichiro turned and looked at kanao again as she looked like she was going to cry. Tanjiro frowned" come onnn I wanna know" muichiro turned back to tanjiro and hugged him and whispered in his ear" I'll tell you later. But for now you should wrap this meeting up" tanjiro tilted his head in confusion" okay? " tanjiro did as muichiro asked and ended the meeting and looked at muichiro" can you tell me now? " tanjiro asked
muichiro smiled and started explaining
"Well kanao has always been mean to me! So I decided to come up with a thing. If she is mean to me four times she gets a punishment!! " tanjiro nodded as he listened" so that's why you asked nezuko to keep kanao here? " tanjiro asked his boyfriend as he patted muichiros head." mhm! I'm going to go deal with her now!! " tanjiro smiled and waved" okay have fun. Hurry back okay love? " muichiro turned his head to him and nodded" okay! Love you! "
"Love you too," tanjiro sat down and waited patiently for muichiro. Wondering what he'll do to kanao
               With muichiro(this is where some gore stuff happens)
Muichiro picked kanao up by the hair as he smiled and watched her eyes widen in horror.
He threw her to a wall and walked towards her. She was begging for mercy and muichiro kneeled In front of her with a big smile and suddenly.
He ripped both of her eyes out. He then ripped her arm off and shoved it in her mouth. He then worked on ripping her fingers off and sticking them in her nose. Eye sockets. And ears. Kanao couldn't regenerate but you could tell she was terrified and wanted to cry. Muichiro stood up and kicked her body around and stopped to rip her leg off and shove it in her other eye. Muichiro was covered in blood at this point and smiled through the whole thing.
(Gore ends here) later
Muichiro saw tanjiro talking with nezuko and tanjiro noticed muichiro. He smiled but then saw the blood covering muichiro "what happened? Are you okay love?" muichiro smiled and nodded and hugged tanjiro. Getting some blood on him but neither of them cared much. "You look like you had fun" nezuko said as she looked at the blood on muichiro. Muichiro looked over to nezuko as he hugged tanjiro. "I did! You should've seen what I did to her!! Oh wait i think i took pictures!!" (kny is placed in 1912 or something and cameras existed by then dw) muichiro sat on tanjiros lap "wanna see?" muichiro asked tanjiro with a smile and tanjiro smiled back and nodded "sure!"  muichiro showed tanjiro the pictures with a huge smile "look! This one is my favorite" muichiro showed tanjiro and tanjiro smiled "Wow! You did amazing mui! " nezuko looked at the pictures" that looks fucking nasty"  muichiro pouted" nezukoo! " muichiro started to whine" I'm proud of these!!"  nezuko put her hands on her hips" you made her look even more ugly! " muichiro paused" yeah your right but at the same time I did good right tanjiro? " tanjiro just smiled and nodded and patted muichiros head" you did awesome mui" muichiro smiled and hugged tanjiro tightly
" yayyyy!"  muichiro was happy he made tanjiro proud of him. Tanjiro smiled and hugged muichiro back. Feeling proud of his boyfriend(future husband)
1278 words.

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